Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Heart Is Broken

So many times in life we get our hearts broken. Today I want to express what that means to me. Most of the time when someone expresses this feeling, we immediately assume that this is a relationship issue, and give them the standard pep talk. The truth is, people let us down in so many other ways, and it can be very confusing to our souls.

It all starts with the feeling that we can change someone or it is our responsibility to make someone happy. This alone, will inevitably lead to heartbreak. We are only responsible for ourselves and God wants us to focus on ourselves first. When we do this, we then can spread our joy to others. Not the other way around.

The other day I was reciting the Serenity prayer and once finished I had this desire to see it written out. So I went to my computer and looked it up. There it was, all spelled out just as I had been reciting it. I read it again and again and then one time out loud. Something about the prayer was gnawing at me trying to get my attention and I couldn't place my finger on it. Then it jumped off the page. It was the very last line of the prayer, God wanted to get my attention on that very last line.

Here is the prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Wow! I thought, this makes perfect sense. If I can learn the difference between what I can change and what I can not change, then my life will become more peaceful. The more I understand that I am not responsible for the change in another, then the less chance I have for my heart to be broken.

A broken a heart is not a bad thing, God gave us emotions for a reason. What I learned is that some of my emotions are self inflicted, and when I ask myself such questions as "what is it that I am really seeking?" the truth comes out and I find that I have a selfish agenda or motive. When I find myself trying to fix someone, or change someone, it is usually time for me to look inside and work on me. The choice is within.

Brian Patrick Lewis, is a trained Chef, Author and Speaker. His new book, "in the weeds, landscape of a chefs life" can be found at

The Secret How To Instantly Craft Romantic Quotes For Her

Are you one of those sensitive souls who understands the power of romantic quotes for her? There are many ways to bring the romantic spirit within you to the fore, but the fastest and surest way is to look for love quotes online.

For sure. Amongst all of us, there are only a few who might be able to construct a romantic verse. This day and age however it is easy to get access to some lovely romantic quotes online. Why not check out other places where you might get an idea or inspiration to write your own love quotes? Your Juliet is bound to be overwhelmed with the romantic vocabulary you are putting on display.

Are you ready to challenge the romantic side of yourself? Which of the possible resources are you going to utilize to sweep your loved one of her feet? It is advisable to only utilize love lines which are selected with care from a variety of written resources. Greater impact will be achieved when your romantic quotes are based on particular events that happened recently.

Romantic quotes for her by legendary writers

Produce your most memorable love quotes by using modern day and timeless resources for inspiration. The most adored written pieces of art are the result of sheer brilliance on the part of the author. If you go for the literary route, make sure that she also has an interest in that kind of writing so that she can appreciate your efforts. To strike at the very heart of romance you may want to take note of the following electrifying quote.

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" There aren't many playwrights like William Shakespeare who could write romantic lines like he did for his play Romeo and Juliet. If you could write a play like this, you would have no problem producing love quotes all day long. Timeless pieces like Romeo and Juliet will always be popular subject matter for reproduction in a variety of art forms.

Cinematic love quotes

It turns out that love quotes taken from motion pictures are currently well liked. This kind of confirms that films are helpful in brainstorming romantic love quotes. A multitude of romantic films find their way to the big screen on an almost weekly basis. Many love quotes borrowed from infamous pictures have found their way into a personal romantic message. Are these not great?

"Distance means so little when someone means so much."

"I was looking up at the stars and giving them each reason why I love you, I was doing great until I ran out of stars."

Songs and romantic quotes

Many quotes of love were originally inspired by romantic love songs. Song writers have always been able to produce romantic songs, even when you thought that all variations were exhausted. Many songs are able to provide you with a bag of ideas to fashion romantic quotes for that special girl. The best songs to conceive an exclusive quote from the heart are the most recent ones.

You will discover that it is much easier to write a fitting love quote when you use a song that you are really fond of. The other route you could take is to explore some romantic literature and get the love juices (ink) flowing.

Do you need some more inspiration to create your own romantic quotes for her? Why not check out the large selection of love quotes at our website and take your pick of the best romantic quotes for her.

The Real Purpose of Love

Relationships are far more complicated than in former times. Having evolved as a species, our needs eclipse those of former generations. Whether we want "the one" or "the one for now," factors by which people traditionally dated and mated are currently in flux. Humans desire meaningful connections regardless of where we are in our lives and personal evolution. The imperative of all Life is to advance and loved ones enrich that experience. The question remains--- as we advance, what form will our relationships take? Only when we know our disposition and core values, can we properly assess how to go about the business of dating in today's world.

Incumbent upon each of us wanting to connect with another is the honest appraisal of what we want. Exactly. If we don't know that, we'll be set adrift in a sea of confusion allowing our partner to force their desired outcome. Know yourself. Be clear about what you want. Be clear also, about your ability to function in the type of relationship you seek. Don't set goals you can't achieve just to capture someone. There will be no joy in that attainment. Set the parameters for a foundation from which you can be yourself, and flourish. Without that knowledge, you won't enjoy the experience of connection and won't advance in accomplishing your desires for partnership, no matter what form it takes.

My viewpoint on love and relationships opposes conventional thinking. Instead of seeing the acquisition of a lover as the goal, I see the goal as joint advancement through the vehicle of love.

When the point of love is to capture the "other," they become a tenuous target. Anxiety and torment accompany this formula. We can't control others. We can't make anyone love us. The rigors of this approach destroy any real love, that could occur. To play by these rules necessitates games and activates the ego in all its misery.

The purpose of partnership is to experience love and expand our ability to know love, within. It is only this part of us that is able to love--- the part that feels our love emanating outward. In loving, we experience our own life-force in its finest expression. From this foundation, partnership becomes the treasured vehicle of advancement toward greater consciousness.

All who participate in our lives carry with their presence the ability to aid our evolution. That is their primary purpose, and our primary purpose in their life. The potential within relationships is no less than miraculous. It's in the meeting of two souls, that the reflection of a greater image is seen. Powerful, magnetic, yet often elusive, we seek that mirror which will reflect our highest self in loving partnership.

The relationship fostered through love instructs and teaches the way of opening to all that is greater within, and all that can be achieved in union. It holds the energy of our finest moments co-mingled with the smaller moments of human reactivity. It is the vehicle of transformation and elimination, as well as generosity and selfishness. It is the balance of what we have become with that which we seek to become... ever expressing the Divine within the human, and the human within the Divine. When understood and utilized for its many teachings, we can grow to become our greater self via our combined selves. Relationship holds the sweetness of birth, growth and release within its framework. We learn through our love, to love and release. We learn the greater and smaller parts of ourselves. It is the mirror that reflects our deepest desires and greatest offerings. Love is the gift we give to ourselves, as we give it to another.

Susan Winter offers cutting-edge information on today's evolving models of love and partnership. Traditional relationship challenges, age-varied couplings and commonly asked dating questions are approached from a higher perspective, allowing readers the best possible romantic outcome. Additional articles and personalized advice can be found on the following site.

The Unbroken Heart

Rare, but it does exist. I have a dear friend who has never had a broken heart. Something inside her leaves before any damage can be done. I marvel at this. She is not cold and shallow, as one might imagine. She is open and loving. Who does this happen?

Most of us have to experience a heart that's been broken, in order to restore us to compassion. At 51, she has avoided this common rite of human passage. She's only experienced men who love her totally, with whom she is also in love and in control.

I've witnessed many a person who could benefit from their hearts being broken. They need to feel pain in order to touch that which is real, within. I've also known people who've never been in love. How does one live so many years, and not allow this marvelous vehicle to expand their reality? My friend was born of loving parents, to a loving world that supported her vision. She has instincts that protect her from useless heartache, and provide a natural sense of balance.

For the others... the multitudes that have suffered from heartbreak, what's the difference? Is there a need to have the heart be broken? In most cases, I would say yes. When there is no depth of cut, there is no depth. It is the cut that creates the opening. I look at those who cannot feel, cannot connect and cannot appreciate the love they are given. Jaded, unappreciative and entitled, they stand outside the walls of love. Safe, impervious, and strong. What is strong? Is it the ability to not feel, or to feel? If "strong" is that ability to remain unaffected by those around us, perhaps the answer is that we should feel. It's just life. Why not be alive to all the colors, light and dark?

It wasn't until my first heartbreak, that I began to understand the impact of love. Until that point in time, I'd safely reaped the merits of being loved without experiencing the pain of loss. Consciousness is a continuum. Once we're awake, there's no going back to sleep. I'd hurt many a man when I was younger and unaware. I now enter relationships aware of the person on the other end-- feeling, processing and attuned to my output. I have a responsibility. I must be as clear and forthright as possible.

What's the goal in love? Is it the joy of being loved or the joy of loving? My friend exemplifies a rare case of giving and receiving love without pain. What's her secret? Great parents, Karma or luck? It doesn't matter. This is her reality. My friend is an anomaly. Not affected by the pain of love, she lives in the sunshine of each day. As I marvel at this version of love, I wonder. For which lessons did we sign-up, and for which must we continue?

The majority of emails I receive are regarding unrequited love. Why else contact a relationship expert? Unrequited love is woven throughout history. It's the basis of books, movies and songs. Yet what is the reason for its presence? Why do some individuals experience only joyous partnership?

In my friend's philosophy, the parameters of partnership are simple and straight forward. "Why be interested in one who isn't interested in us? And, why love someone who isn't able to love us?" Sounds logical. It makes sense. With that easy take on love, why do so many experience a different reality?

If this woman is any indicator, it's to highlight the idea that it may not be necessary to feel the pain of love- as long as we can love. Perhaps she has the natural instinct to connect only to those men who are fine human beings; honest, faithful and committed. Perhaps it's because she has only had a few men in her life, but chose them carefully and with the clear intention of being happy. Whatever the reason, she is not the norm. Her life does provide tangible proof that pain doesn't have to be part of the equation. For that reason, I find her intriguing story worth mentioning.

Each of us has our own path here- things we've come to learn and things we've come to transcend. Maybe for the unbroken hearts, it's just a different set of lessons.

Susan Winter offers cutting-edge information on today's evolving models of love and partnership. Traditional relationship challenges, age-varied couplings and commonly asked dating questions are approached from a higher perspective, allowing readers the best possible romantic outcome. Additional articles and personalized advice can be found on the following site.

When Loving Your Spouse Grosses You Out

Have you ever looked at something you normally love and suddenly lose your appetite for it? What do you do then?

Twelve year old Nathan came bursting into the house, nearly in tears.

"THERE'S A PROBLEM!!" he yelled. When he ran in the room where his big brother and I were, he asked for help.

"Jordan, there is a dead bird caught in my batting cage net. Can you please help me get it out? Its stomach is split open and it looks like it is breathing from millions of maggots, and its head already fell off."

Nathan pleaded.

Jordan puked.

I tried not to laugh.

The beloved batting cage still sits abandoned.

It's okay, their dad finally returns from the war next week. I'm sure they'll ask him to deal with it, in all his warrior-ness!

The point is, how can one nasty element cause you to totally lose your passion for something you love?


How does this happen in the bedroom?

We've talked to couples who seem to know that making love could be an exercise in ecstasy - but instead the sight (or thought) of a naked partner brings near-nausea. Really? Makes you sick to your stomach? How sad.

Some excuses:

* "Ever since I saw that baby come out of there with all that blood and slime, yuck..."
* "The way he just sits on the couch like a slob and then wants to have sex, ugh...!"
* "My wife just isn't attractive to me any more..."
* "The thought of oral sex completely grosses me out..."

And on it goes.

In not one single case of bedroom aversion was there a decaying, maggot filled, decapitated creature in the picture. Nope. Just normal, every-day, real life.

So, what is a lover to do?

Remember, all we really deal with in life, is experience and meaning. We attach meaning to stuff we see, hear, feel, taste, touch. At any time, we have the choice to let it mean something else. Here's how:

1. Acknowledge the emotion
Accept the fact that your body has created a conditioned response to what you are seeing or thinking. On some level, it is trying to protect you from pain. It's like a child. Embrace that inner child for a moment and let it be heard. It's just energy anyway.

2. Offer acceptance and forgiveness
First of all, accept the fact that you feel this way and it doesn't make you a terrible person. Then forgive your self, and the other person for their lack of "perfection." After all, most of us, including that spouse of yours, doing the best we can with what we have."

3. Create an empowering choice
Since it would be futile to change the other person, how would YOU respond if you were in your loving, sexy power? Would you go back to a time when things were sizzling? Would you embrace your mate just as they are? Would you choose to see them as perfection? Maybe you would just choose to be loving and responsive.

4. Manage your energy
All of the steps above are responses to your personal energy. When you need to perform at your peak under pressure, you must learn to manage that energy. One very abbreviated way to do that is just to breathe deep and put your hand on your chest. Then tap with your whole hand as you feel the vibration of your words. In just a few sentences and breaths and actions you can do steps 1-3:

"Even though I am completely grossed out right now, I totally accept my self and my emotions, and I forgive my spouse for doing the best they know. And, I choose to be loving, open and responsive."

If you say that several times, while breathing deeply, and tapping your chest, your body will shift its energy and the aversion will go away. Remarkably, you will find your self becoming loving, open and responsive. When you do, you will find peace and love and joy instead of aversion.

If you would like to recapture the passion in your marriage intimacy and have a love life that is sizzling, sexy and sacred, than get your free audio and report: Five Keys to Really Great Sex Tonight from Relationship expert, Gina Parris at

Gina Parris is an international speaker, performance coach and a champion for sexy marriages and healthy relationships.

Learn How to Write a Love Letter to Win Your Wife's Heart

It's been said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, (hmmm) but I am convinced the way to a woman's heart is through her ears! A letter that conveys true love will last forever for her.

Today I am copying some of the recent interview I had with Dustin Riechmann of Engaged Marriage. He was one of our guest experts on the Love & Sex Tele-summit. I am excited about the tips Dustin shared here. You can learn a lot more from his amazing little Ebook - the 15 Minute Marriage Makeover. I already have some of the ideas penciled into my calendar and I shared the book with my husband, WHO IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!! I can't wait.

So here is an excerpt from the Love & Sex Summit. This portion is about the love. The next part of the interview was about sex.

Gina: Dustin, how are you?

Dustin: I am doing fantastic Gina. Thank you very much for inviting me to be part of your telesummit here. I'm very excited to hopefully share some very practical and powerful tips for everybody.

Gina: Yes, I like that about you. You are really practical and my husband is an engineering type guy also, although he jokingly says that he got a" football player" engineering degree or something. I've noticed in your blog that you're actually a pretty romantic guy at heart and so, one of the things that I enjoy is your tips about writing a love letter. Many people, especially the men find this idea overwhelming. So for those of us that don't feel like we're great at communicating, would you share some of your tips 'cause I do cherish the box of cards that I've received over the years from my husband.

Dustin: Yeah, absolutely. I think a lot of people overlook a romantic love letter and the power of that, and I think as guys were always real intimidated by it, and one thing I like to do is think back to the early days when you're dating either your current spouse or back into high school. I think a lot of us can relate to the love note thing, and that was a way that I know I communicated with girlfriends back in my early days of dating. But I think also there's a lot of power in that. My wife and I still have some of those earlier love notes that we exchanged in our dating years in a shoe box, and it's just a great keepsake. So, I think there's a lot of value in it and I think you can break it down very simply.

And so, I've got a five-step process that I share especially for you guys. I mean, here's the engineer coming out right?

Gina: Yes! Okay fellas, get a pen and paper.

Dustin: So, the first step I say is just relax and that meaning you're talking to your spouse here. There's really no pressure and chances are you haven't written anything like this recently. So, anything is going to be better what you've done. So, there's really no pressure here. Just simple and heartfelt, I think is the real approach to doing this.

Number two is reflect. So, all that is, you sit around for five minutes and really just think about some special memory or something that you'd like to share and I think for a letter, it makes it really easy if you just come up with a simple theme. So, say it's your anniversary maybe you want to compare your first kind of crazy year marriage to how you feel right now. So ten years later maybe you feel even closer than you did in that first year. On a birthday, maybe you think back of your favorite memory that you guys shared over the previous year. So just reflect and think of a simple thing to write about.

The third step is to rough it out. So, just sit down and just jot some short phrases about that theme. So just let your creativity flow a little bit. Again, you're not worried about all the details and it makes it really easy. The fourth step is to write it out and I say write with your hand meaning most of us are so condition to using our thumbs on our phone or our keyboard at our computer. We can almost forget how to write with your hand. But I think a handwritten letter can just be super impressive and super romantic, because it's so unusual. It's something that we just don't see anymore, and I know say your spouse is overseas are not someone that you can just handed to. I think that's again, the impact of receiving a handwritten letter in the mail can be pretty fantastic and then...

My last tip I say is recite and that just means to read it out loud.

Again, it's a letter but there's a lot of power, and actually reading this out loud to your spouse eye to eye, and I say that only because my wife and I experienced this as part of marriage retreat few years back, and I wrote it out and I thought this is a special and she'll like this. And then, when I found out I had to read it to her, actually I got really nervous which is bizarre when you had several children with someone and you share every intimate detail.
Gina That doesn't sound so hard and I have to say, we've never done that read aloud tip and I love it. I can see how it makes you kind of vulnerable, which is very attractive!

Dustin: Yeah.

Gina: Okay. So, next time everybody, instead of just handing over the letter or the card, open it it up and read it to your gal. You will make a huge impact!

Dustin: Absolutely, yeah.

If you would like to recapture the passion in your marriage intimacy and have a love life that is sizzling, sexy and sacred, than get your free audio and report: Five Keys to Really Great Sex Tonight from Relationship expert, Gina Parris at

Gina Parris is an international speaker, performance coach and a champion for sexy marriages and healthy relationships.

Signs You Are in Love With a Man - 4 Signs That Let You Know That You Really Love Him

There is a new man in your life and you know that you get a "buzzing" feeling when you are around him. It's one of the best feelings in the world and you find that you are definitely intrigued by him a lot. You know that when it's time for the two of you to be together, you just can't seem to shake that smile off of your face. The thing is, how do you really know when you love a man? Are there some signs that will show you that you really are "there" and that he is the guy you love?

Here are 4 signs that show you are in love with a guy:

1) You only think of him in positive terms.

Try as hard as you might, you just cannot seem to find anything negative about him at all. It's almost as if he is perfect and you just cannot get enough of that perfection. While you probably know deep down that no man is perfect, when you are really falling for a guy, it certainly can seem that way. If you only think of him in positive terms, then there is a good chance that you are falling for him.

2) You talk about him non stop with your friends.

This is one of the more classic signs that you are starting to fall in love with a guy. When you are with your friends, no matter what subject comes up, it seems like he is the only one that you can talk about. While it may start to drive your friends a little bit crazy, this is a classic sign that you are really enamored by a guy.

3) You tease him all of the time, just for the fun of it.

Teasing is one of the most basic, yet universal signs that you are attracted to someone, and if this is something that you cannot seem to stop doing... you may be attracted to him on a deeper level. Of course, you can tease someone and not feel that way, but when you keep doing it for the fun of it, it may mean something more.

4) You are waiting to hear him say those three words to you.

This is when you really know that you are "there." When you dream about him saying those three words to you, when you can almost imagine his lips forming the words, I love you, then you probably need no more signs, it is pretty obvious.

Now you know how you feel, you may be wondering does he feel the same way about you...

Discover How to Attract a Man and make HIM fall in love with YOU...

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Compatibility in Love

How important is the degree of your personal compatibility in determining the success factor in your relationship? Answer: Very Important. When it comes to love compatibility with your partner, there are several factors that you can consider. The list of factors below is by no means exhaustive.

Personality Traits

Every now and then, I hear the phrase "Opposites Attract". This might be true for a short-term romance. In the initial phase of relationship, for example, a man might be attracted to a woman who is of the opposite character to himself. He might be an introvert whereas his love interest might be an extrovert. Both partners might pursue their love interest with each other out of curiosity. However, as time flies, either the man or the woman or both, might start to discover that their huge personality gap creates much unhappiness in their relationship. If this initial friction is not taken care of, this might lead to potential trouble in the future.

The point I am making is that for a long-term stable relationship, there must be a certain degree of similarities in the personal characters of the individuals. This will ensure that there are certain grounds of commonality where each of the partners can share with each other. For example, both partners might like to go for a walk in a park or both partners might like to watch movies.

Daily Habits

Each one of us has our own ways of performing daily rituals. For example, the male partner might like to sleep and wake up early. On the other hand, the female partner might prefer to sleep and wake up late. Over long-term, this might or might not create problems between the couple depending on the degree of acceptance that you might have with your partner. Another common example is that one partner dislikes doing house works and pushes most house works to the other partner. Depending how tolerance the other partner is, this might or might not lead to potential issue in the future.

Money Personality

This relates to your relationship with money. Each individual has his own connotation and interpretation with regard to money. Are you a spender or a saver? Or do you tend to avoid having to discuss about money? Do you feel that money is something that is debased spiritually? How about your partner? Do you share similar or opposite money personality with your partner? Take an example, you might be a saver whereas your partner is a spender. This might create problem if there is a lack of awareness of the difference in the money personality between the two. For example, when it comes to shopping, you tend to think twice before purchasing whereas your partner might purchase whatever object that catches her liking. Obviously, this can create frustration and unhappiness if not properly addressed.

Life's Purpose

This is another important factor to ponder with regard to the level of your compatibility with your partner. Are you spiritually inclined? What's your ultimate purpose in this life? Is it to serve others and to contribute to society in general? Or do you tend to engross yourself to the sense pleasures? How about your partner? In order to be able to lead a harmonious relationship, you need to find a common ground with your partner. It will be more difficult and challenging if you and your partner are living lives on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

I am currently living in Singapore. I have been married for more than six years. I am interested in expanding my horizon by writing articles on topics such as health, marriage, money and investment as well as spirituality. I have created several websites, including,

5 Romantic Movies to Snuggle Up To With Your Date

If you would like to watch a romantic movie with your beloved but have no idea which movies pass muster, keep reading. We have created a list of 5 romantic movies, complete with brief descriptions that you and your partner can watch together. This list is a mix of both old and new movies. However, what they all have in common is serious romance. Some of these movies, you will have undoubtedly heard of, others you may have not. Most can be rented at your local video store. Grab one the next time you and your significant other wants to enjoy a night of cinematic romance.

1. Titanic: Titanic is one of the most romantic movies of all time to watch together or all time. It is story of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater. The two come from different sides of the proverbial track. Rose is rich and Jack a poor and a third class passenger. Though rose is engaged to be married, she falls hard for Jack. When the ship goes down Jack helps save Rose's life. Tragically, Jack doesn't make it but his sacrifice lives within the heart of Rose her entire life.

2. Love Story: This is a story of a young boy and girl kept apart by their lot in life. One is well-to-do. The other is not. The two break up only to reconnect in a nursing home many years later, where Noah tells Allie the tale of their past love. Both Noah and Allie pass away peacefully at the nursing home, while holding each other close.

3. Pretty Woman: Pretty Woman is definitely a modern day classic. It features Julia Roberts as a hardened prostitute who is saved from life as a call girl by an initially very unattached and business-like Richard Gere. Gere plucks Robert off the streets and helps transform her into a beautiful lady and eventually his girlfriend. This is a classic rags-to-riches love story but it somehow never manages to get old.

4. The Notebook: The Notebook stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel Adams. The couple falls in love but is pulled apart by Adams disapproving parents. Even with opposition, their love manages to endure, but for how long? Watch the movie and find out for yourself.

5. When Harry Met Sally: When Harry Met Sally was an instant hit when it was released at the movies. It chronicles the story of Harry and Sally who are both looking for love. They become friends and later love blossoms or does it.? Watch this movie with your loved one to find out.

Francesca runs a popular love quotes website where you can find 1,000's of quotes about love and short love quotes to help heal a broken heart.

Love's the Great Persuader

"A person convinced against their will, is of their own opinion still." The variations of this quote are many, as are the attributions to whose it is (Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Johnson, or Sir Walter Raleigh).

Front-of-mind knowledge of the above truth can save us a lot of heartache.

Still, we will go through our lives destined to try and convince people of truths we hold dear, only to have them rejected, point blank. Notwithstanding the hurt and frustration we experience because of this, we should now know how it feels to be 'persuaded' against the flow of our will. None of us like it.

There are only two situations, generally, where persuasion will work within the realm of possible sustainability.


Although it is not a perfect situation by any means, being in a position of authority or control - with the comprehensive sanction of those controlling the entire nest - helps so far as persuasion is concerned, provided we have the confidence and ability to assert ourselves.

We will be in a position to institute discipline, or tough love, where it's needed. Such persuasion necessarily enlists fairness, for no one bows to tough love easily when there's rampant injustice.

Given that most of us don't have such power or authority, the only sustainable option of persuasion open to us is through a softer loving influence than tough love.


Why would we want to convince someone against their will when there's no love in it? Just because they don't believe our truth doesn't mean they are wrong. They have a different standpoint; a different logos, pathos, and ethos.

In other words, we typically believe what we know (logos), what ideas we like or are attracted to (pathos), and, the ideas held by the people we like (ethos).

So much for the truth; we are actually handcuffed to nuances of the truth just as much as they are.

In such situations - where neither we nor they adhere always to the truth - there's only one universal method of common respect. That is that we love people, as unconditionally as possible, such that they might become convinced of 'the truth' (whatever it is) themselves. In that is faith.

Love really is the only persuader that has any chance of working. Whether it's the agency is tough love, or the more facilitative softer love - influence is a tricky art.

The mode of love in persuasion is charismatically patient. It doesn't beat its head against the brick wall; instead it gently accepts what it cannot change. Longer term it's the most powerful source of influence because it respects the other person fully.

Given the fact that people will believe us more if they like us gives us the strongest clue - love's the only way.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

Does Love Have to Hurt Like This? Tips About How to Handle Mixed Signals From a Guy

It's hard to hear a woman describe love as being something that hurts or that stings or that totally confuses her. Yet, the sad fact is, it is also all too common to hear this description be used when a woman describes her relationship or her situation with a man. If you are feeling like it hurts, and kind of like you are getting mixed signals from a man, this article is something that you want It really does not have to be that way, and you can make it so that it does not feel that way anymore.

There is a big difference between feeling hurt because of the mixed signals that you are getting versus when a guy is being pretty intentional about playing around with your emotions. If he is being pretty intentional about it, then you may just have to find a way to move on and forget about him, because that really is just a form of emotional abuse. On the other hand, if all you are dealing with is a case of mixed signals from a guy, then you may be able to find a way to get through the confusion and find out what's really on his mind.

Here's how to handle mixed signals from a guy:

1. Do not take them to heart.

One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to just not take it to heart so much. I know that this is easier said than done, but sometimes you can really over think a situation and make it more dramatic than it has to be. He may not have any bad intentions at all, and you may just be over thinking things.

2. Give them back.

While you may not like the idea of playing games with a guy, sometimes it is the way that these things work best. If you are receiving mixed signals from a man, you may want to throw him off course a little bit and give him the same treatment. That may switch the dynamic up just enough to make him act differently and more direct.

3. Take the initiative.

One of the reasons why a guy will give mixed signals, is when he is not really sure about the way that YOU feel. He may be on the shy side, or he may be a little defensive about opening up and showing his true feelings If that is the cause, then you may want to take the initiative and be open about the way that you feel towards him.

Are you trying to figure out if he loves me back you have to know what men are really thinking...

Go to: Dating Advice for Women to learn what men really think...

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Recovery After Being Cheated On - Online Counseling and Therapy

Probably you've been there. That moment when you felt that the earth stood still, that your world was shattered into pieces, when you wish your heart would stop beating and your mind would stop asking "why"" or "is this really happening to me?!"

How to forgive, how to trust again, how to keep on taking the risk of giving again? Without doing all these, your life will always feel like a shadow of what used to be or could have been.

Many people I worked with in therapy realized, after some honest inner investigation, that they never really recovered from this kind of trauma, carrying confused feelings of guilt and anger.

Step 1

You need to gather information and to generally understand why affairs happens generally and why it specifically happened to you. At this stage there will be a gap between the intellectual understanding and the emotional reconciliation with the facts.

This analyze phase means that you will have to evaluate some of the hypocrisies you have entertaining about yourself, your relationship and life generally.

Hypocrisies about love, about your self image, about honesty, meaning and even spirituality.

The myth of monogamy, the arrogance feelings that we can never be replaced, the exaggeration that if the partner was capable of cheating it means they don't love you anymore or the extreme exaggeration that they actually never loved you.

The self delusion that you could never cheat on them. The truth is that given the right circumstances, almost everybody can be a cheater. Remember that moment when you were so attracted by that person?

Step 2

Understanding the reasons of why the cheating happened will bring solace. Admitting your own mistakes is an important step as well.

Many times partners cheat because they need a validation they weren't getting it from you. They can cheat because it's easier in times of personal crisis to connect with a stranger, with no strings attached, to share some moments of raw anonymous pleasure.

They cheated because the opportunity was there, because instinct overrides ration many times, because the animal within is stronger than the spiritual creature evolution has forced us into.
They cheated because we are reasoning apes and not falling angels.

And because they literally didn't stop to think too much about the consequences. They did it because they thought they will never get caught. Sometimes it hurts even the fact that they were not discreet enough as you to never find out about it.

The myth of exclusivity and monogamy is also an important player in this process. It is a very necessary myth, one that keeps society together and that forges history. At an individual level though, in the long run monogamy is a very improbable situation.

It's very hard to reconcile with this idea and probably better to not consider it if you haven't faced this situation.

Step 3

Forgiveness is a crucial part of the process. It will take time, don't rush it. After understanding the reasons that lead to the affair, the cheating partner has to take the responsibility of recreating the trust.

It will take sometimes years for the trust to be restored - 2 to 3 years is not unlikely. When an affair is not fully dealt with, it just gets buried alive and leads to an emotional distance that lasts forever.

The real "you" is the negotiation between past traumas and future hopes and ambitions. Therefore forgive, grow and make better choices.

Step 4

Building a new relationship

A new commitment has to be made, basically a new relationship has to begin. The previous relationship had been broken, you need to end it as it was and have a fresh start.

You are new individuals now, more mature, more complex, more aware. Probably less idealistic but with reasons of being together equally rational and emotional.

Compromises have to be accepted, re-calibrating needs and expectations. Wisdom and acceptance are the names of the games now.

Without these steps, shadows will always reign over the emotional life of the couple. Couple counseling is highly indicated at this point. There might be long standing issues that sabotages the relationship. They have to be addressed. Or you can keep lying to yourself but in time you'll get depression, panic attacks and an overall sense of lack of passion and magic.

In order for the relationship to continue it has to be healed completely. Don't carry the burden of disappointment, guilt and anger in your future relationships.

Love and relationships will always be a reality of your life. Take the time to understand this ultimate human enterprise. Without them, all your other achievements will pale and worth less.

Sophie Rinaldi is a life coach and licensed counselor.

You can learn more about Sophie Rinaldi or have a session of online counseling through live chat at

Sophie Rinaldi is an expert counselor and licensed therapist offering live advice through live chat or email sessions

Tips On How To Send Roses To Your Special Girl

Sending roses is one way you can let your loved ones know that they are special, cared and loved. Whether you're sending them roses for their birthday, Valentine's Day or just a plain ordinary day, do a little effort to make it special and you are sure to put a smile to their faces and brighten their day. Here are some tips to help you send roses to special people in your life especially for that special girl.

Find out what she loves. The person you will be giving the roses to will be more delighted to receive it when they know you put a little effort by giving away something that they really love. For example, if that person loves red roses, then go and find red roses for her. If she likes tulips, then surprise her by giving out something that she loves receiving. If you have no idea about her favorites, you can ask people close to her such as her families and friends. This way she will know you really exerted an effort to make her day special.

Include a card on it. Sure most roses come with card but oftentimes, they only include the sender and the recipient. Make it more special by writing a note about what you want to say about the person. You can include in the letter those words that you are too shy to say in person. If you're poetic enough, you can include a poem on the letter. This way, the receiver will know this is what you want to convey with her. Take some time to really think about the message you want to write in the card so that you can really make it special.

Do not give the roses yourself, have it delivered. Yes, girls find it cute when roses are delivered to them rather than you giving the roses to them. Find out where the girl's home is or her work address and have the roses delivered. This makes them feel really cared for, loved and special. This also allows her co-workers to see that someone is on a pursuit of her and you are the person behind her pretty smiles.

Determine the company where you would order the roses. Check for the numbers in your local phone directory for floral shops. If you have enough budgets, you can go for the most expensive. This is not to show that you are you are rich but to let her know that you are willing to go beyond the price just to show her how much you love her. If you are too tired to go to the store itself, you can make orders online and choose from their wide variety of bundles and packages.

Send roses to your loved one and let them know you thought about them. This is also a means to show your love, compassion and care. It is a best way to convey your feelings when you can't find the words to say it.

If you'd like to send roses the easy way simply head over to

Waiting for Your Soulmate? 2 Unusual Things You Can Do TODAY To Find Him Fast!

Who else is sick and tired of being alone? Do you find yourself sad, lonely and depressed after one short lived relationship after another ends? Or maybe you are so busy with your work, or family life that meeting the man of your dreams seems so far removed that you think it's NEVER going to happen? If you are anything like the millions of women who find themselves without a partner that they love, trust and see a "life" with, the future can look black, bleak and downright depressing.

The good news?

There are things that you can do to help meet your soulmate or spiritual partner, and while they may SOUND unconventional to most, the secret truth is that they DO work wonderfully well, and are a whole lot of fun to boot!

Curious to know more? Let's take a quick and easy look at 2 of them immediately below.

Filed Under: Your LOVE Aura Tells All

Did you know that scientists are now coming around to believe what mystics, matchmakers and magicians have been saying for hundreds of years? That your AURA, or emotional energy reveals things about you, and your life that most conventional means cannot. There is a whole burgeoning field of energy sciences....and they all revolve around the notion that each of us has an AURA that can be read and interpreted in ways that our conscious minds can't quite fathom. For example, some energy workers believe that your aura will change colors based on your subconscious feelings about people that you barely know......revealing connections and attractions that your conscious mind is not aware of at all. And as we'll cover a little bit below, some believe that you soulmate, or the person you are destined to be with in this life, is already known to you on a spiritual or soulful level.

The key to using your aura to help you find your match? Often an energy reader will have you write down 10 or 15 or even 20 names of men who are in your universe... that you may NOT have ever thought of in romantic terms. They'll then watch as your aura changes as the name is read, or listen to changes in your voice, and the results CAN be amazing. (even if you're skeptical right now... as I was BEFORE I watched this work over and over again)

Filed Under: The Karma of Connection

The most mainstream "unconventional" way to find your soulmate is through an astrological reading or personal horoscope, or by talking to a legitimate love psychic or emotional empath. I truly believe that each of us has a partner that is intertwined with our purpose and mission in life, and that it is our task to find this spiritual partner in this lifetime. Opening yourself up to the magic and the mystery of your own "connection karma" and love destiny can be an amazing and eye opening experience! Are lots of people skeptical about the idea that the "universe" really knows who you are destined to love in this lifetime? Absolutely, and I once was as well! But I've seen it happen far too many times to count now... in my OWN life and in the lives of my friends and family. You DO have a spiritual partner that is 100% right for you... and if you haven't found him yet, the secret MAY lie in the stars! (and you'll never know until you ask)

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to find out if he REALLY Loves YOU ... Without Having to BEG or embarrass yourself for answers EVER again!

You DESERVE to be LUCKY! Find True LOVE ... Today!

Enter Woman: Man's Savior and Liberation

Herein lies informative manly insight for women and men. Though we are reluctant to embrace and eager to avoid our greater potential and power as intelligent builders and artists, it is in the reflection of woman's eyes that our proper manly destinies are made apparent and inescapable. By attaining greater understanding of the evolved optimal interplay between man and woman, we can make enormous positive changes in our personal lives and ultimately reshape outdated worldwide cultural doctrines which dictate how men and women ought to act.

The following is derived from a fair knowledge of human evolutionary pair-bonding and sociological development, and careful attention to personal and second-hand experience in the affairs of men and their interactions with women. It is, like all hypothesis and theories, subject to error and newly inconsistent observation; it is my plan in time and through further education and improved skill as a linguist and writer to refine these concepts into a truly concise, practical, semantically precise, and completely scientifically corroborative guide.

This experiential knowledge has been run through the artistic and romanticizing filter of my zealous, grandeur-prone, and idealistic mind and made reference to cultural mythologies ancient and modern (Jesus Christ and Superman!) to form a more flowery piece of poetic prose and homage to the fairer sex.

Seriously, we love you girls.

Man as Self-Consuming Purpose

A man's mind is a machine, deriving pleasure and a sense of fulfillment through guiding his body toward efficient productive change. His mind's sole purpose is to work in conjunction with the greater machinery that is the physical universe and its clockwork perfection of constantly transferring states of energy.

He then becomes something unique unto the universe, something special above and lacking from the rocks and shrubs and millipedes. A volitional instigator, he gives purpose and preference to an otherwise predetermined entropic flow of all things. Soaring higher and higher from one success to the next, man can never be content with what is, only with what is becoming through his actions. To cease is to die, and our hero will churn his engines at full capacity until total burnout and exhaustion overtake him, like a brilliantly burning white hot sun gone supernova. In every man lies a tragically magnificent destiny of martyrdom for his chosen cause.

Enter woman: man's savior and liberation. She is the catalyst to an anomalous exit clause built inside of every man's design, and the only hope he has of escaping his self-consuming doom. Heaven and Earth may pass away and man would still seek to build up from hopeless nothingness, if not for the tender influence of a woman.

The Never-Ending Pitfalls of Man

While man's natural inclination is to burn so bright that he burns himself out, his insatiable attraction to woman will counteract and circumvent this forceful pursuit. His desire to be near her is the only thing which can be stronger than the urge to make progress and which can stop the rampaging bull in his tracks. She is an amazing creature; with the power of Gods at her fingertips, she can hijack the simultaneously creative and destructive force that is man and bend it toward her every momentary whim.

Men everywhere are at risk to two opposite dangers perpetually overshadowing their lives. The first is the burden of importance, meaning that a man may become so self-absorbed in his quests and visions that he loses sight of everything else in his life as it falls to the wayside. Tunnel vision overtakes him; he crashes and burns.

The second is the danger of feminine comfort: overindulgence in the sublime and simple ecstasy of a woman who has rescued him from the burden of importance. Seeking rest, a man will retire from his destiny as builder and wish to sleep forever in the gentle and inviting bosom of a woman. He needs her warmth, for it is the one thing he could never construct through his own strength and intellect. His previous importance is cold and empty without her, and once he has known the treasure of the glow she carries he may very well forever forsake his seemingly obsolete duties as man to be with her.

In this manner, we see billionaire business tycoons create vast successful empires from the ground up who still feel perpetually unfulfilled without the one thing that money cannot buy them. The struggle we as men face between a life of importance and a life of happiness is often embodied in modern culture by conceptions of career success vs. family life. This is of course a gross oversimplification of the principles at play.

Kazantzakis' Christ as an Extinguished Star

A emotionally powerful and engaging depiction of this balancing act performed by men everywhere is seen in the film"The Last Temptation of Christ", starring Willam Dafoe and directed by Martin Scorsese, based on the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis. In this artistically expanded variation of the story of Jesus Christ, Jesus is faced with a final and ultimate temptation by Satan, masquerading as an angel, to come down off the cross and forsake his ultimate importance as messiah in exchange for a life of simple earthly pleasure with the woman he loves, Mary Magdalene.

The dialogue between Satan and Christ occurs as follows:

"(God) has tested you and he's happy with you. He doesn't want your blood. He said, 'Let him die in a dream. But let him live his life.'"
"All the pain... That was real."
"Yes, but there won't be any more. You've done enough."
"I don't have to be sacrificed?"
"No, you don't."

In this moment, a wave of relief and euphoria washes over Jesus, as though the weight of the world has been lifted off this super-man's shoulders, now realizing that for the first time in his life no more is demanded of him; at long last he is given permission to rest after a life of supreme struggle. He is then taken away from the angry murderous crowds by Satan to be reunited with Mary, who was devastated earlier in the movie by his abandonment of her so that he could pursue his divine purpose.

Jesus, the ultimate super-man and ideal notion of masculine purpose and self-sacrifice, forsakes his prime importance as messiah so that he can settle down and dive into the one temptation capable of superseding his masculine prerogative to always be making progress: the warmth of woman. The only thing strong enough to break down the Son of God was the much needed rest and bliss that comes exclusively from the love of a woman. Rather than be extinguished by his tragically magnificent destiny on the cross, he forgoes the ultimate sacrifice to indulge in his deserved leisure with her.

Years later, Satan inquires of Jesus and his new secluded family life with Mary. It is clear that he suffers no remorse for his choice and considers that his entire life and crusade as the most important man who ever lived were worthless without the divine happiness a woman has brought him. He is ashamed of all the mistakes he has made and the wrong ways he sought to do God's will. Happy, but now useless, he retires from the world.

Kazantzakis writes in the preface to the novel:

"My principle anguish and source of all my joys and sorrows from my youth onward has been the incessant, merciless battle between the spirit and the flesh... and my soul is the arena where these two armies have clashed and met."

Caught in a Constant Clash Between Spirit and Flesh

The so-called pleasures of the flesh are numerous and varied: intoxicants, thrills, sensory hyper-stimuli, lustful excitements, and more. Any one of these can serve to usurp a man's chosen direction in life, if only momentarily. These problems represent momentary bumps in the road, and are overcome easily by a man truly dedicated to his cause.

However, even the most directed of men will in the end be tempted from his path permanently by the love, not the lust, of a good woman. Once having achieved this, he will lose a great deal of his drive to progress at all in most any other regard. Save the world? Why? When one has already achieved the highest level of personal fulfillment possible and can spend all the moments of his life in making glorious love to his divine queen, what else is there worth living and building for? The drive of his spirit may become permanently abandoned for the fleshy ecstasy of his new found partner or partners.

A man's chosen path of purpose leaves him obsessed with shaping the course of the future and reviewing over the mistakes of the past, but his embrace in a woman's arms acts as a gravitational pull attaching him with great force entirely to his present contentedness. Beginning and end cease to be relevant in such a state, only the wondrous beauty he sees in her that for the moment overflows onto him. She is the world to him, she is existence itself. More than that even, she becomes a mirror for him, reflecting and exposing all the parts of his own being that he would never allow himself to observe or express. What else could he ever possibly hope to accomplish or acquire through his previous folly of a fallacious concept of "purpose"?

Clark Kent, Kal-El, and Superman: the Three States of Man

Further expounding upon Siegel and Shuster's Superman mythos, we see a composite of these two extreme masculine pitfalls in our hero. It is easy for one to ponder why Superman, the worlds most powerful and beloved superhero, should even bother to continue his pseudo-human charade as a feeble reporter. But upon further examination we see that the godly and universally esteemed character of Superman is in fact the product of two lower identities, called Clark Kent and Kal-El respectively. Clark Kent represents his need for simple human comfort, the part that seeks rest from his duty and to be close to his earthly love, Lois Lane. Kal-El is the identity from which Superman derives his ultimate physical power, his Kryptonian ancestry which gives him the ability to be an unstoppable machine crusading for truth, justice, and the American Way.

Capable as Kal-El is, he is no more hero than any other super empowered Kryptonian; nor is mild-mannered Clark Kent anything more than a mundane love-sick puppy. A hero is more than the suit he wears and the weapons he wields, and it is only by the fusion of these two sides of the coin that Superman can focus Kal-El's powers through Clark Kent's earthly motivation to become the champion the world knows him as, invincible in both flesh and spirit now, forever maintained by the love of a good woman. His biological design gives him his unparalleled physical strength, but the influence of his feminine counterpart makes him a champion.

Kal-El is his identity by default, it is the very body and nature he was born into. He takes on the superimposed human role of Clark Kent so that he can simultaneously become the hero Superman. The same rings true for every real life human male, minus the extreme magnitude of power. We are capable producers by default, but without adopting a softer human side we lose focus, becoming misguided and destructive. It is the marriage of these two aspects of our psyche, the rough and soft, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, etc. that unleashes our greatest potential.

The Folly in Attempting to Circumnavigate our Genetic Design

There is no alternative to the battle of primordial drives we men painstakingly face. Our actions and propensities have been shaped by billions of years of evolved psychology. This physical environment has dictated that for our species to survive and our genes to flourish that we must carry this cross and act in accordance; it is a fundamental part of being a man. Women will always have this hold upon us, and we will always feel uneasy without her and as well without a sense of importance. It is these burdens that have made our species come together into family and tribal units, and granted us intelligence and creativity enough to innovate the tools of a highly advanced civilization.

Whether a man succumbs to the danger of blind self-sacrifice through unhampered purpose or to the motivation-killing indulgence of ultimate ecstasy in women, both are preferable alternatives to a life of absolute waste or destruction. The crook, the liar, the fighter, the pervert, the abuser, the asshole, the taker, the waster, the politician, the censor, the cheater... anyone who gains at the expensive of others is the worst example of retrogressive masculine waste and evil. It is these men who have given up in the struggle of masculinity and sunk to the lowest rung of existence that give men everywhere a bad name. While the potential lies in every man to become such an immoral abomination, it is the job of the virtuous man to remain ever vigilant against these laws of psychological entropy and propensities for retrogression.

The human condition is a merciless master, but it is the only condition we can ever know. It is the greatest show on Earth and the only game in town. Our only option for easing the suffering that comes as an inherent part of our being is to turn the two opposing drives in our lives into complimentary forces. We must realize that though a woman can serve as that wonderful escape and release we so desperately need from our all-important missions, she can also be the biggest inspiration worth striving for. Drive for the sake of drive is blind; communion with the fairer sex without progress is stagnant; but a man driven to progress by woman is unstoppable. He becomes a well-balanced being, and both his simple happiness and productive output are optimized. He becomes a true super-man.

A Woman's Place in the Grand Scheme

This realization calls for the self-aware women of our species to take on the grandest of roles in the earthly scheme of human endeavors. You are the focal points in our lives, the greatest blessing to be bestowed on us, the inspiration to strive and the one thing that all our strivings can never attain on their own. Forgive a man when he loses sight of the ultimate importance you play in his life, and he in turn will forgive you for the emotionally erratic and heartless witch that sporadically emerges from the deepest recesses of your being. We need each other, and any notions of separation and independence among the sexes are illusory and temporary.

Woman is truly the liberator of man, for it is through her that he breaks free from the eternal chain of endless frantic pursuits of higher and higher material successes. If we are to achieve freedom as individuals and still live prosperous lives, we cannot do this on an internal level without the aid of our feminine counterparts. This fallacious battle of the sexes we are confronted with nowadays must come to an end, as only through our cooperation and combination of attributes can we become who we must be.

The quality of our species and the world we create in large part depends upon our ability to coexist and intertwine with each other as mature men and women, our respective strengths optimized through sexual synergy. We complete each other and more, the whole we create being far greater than the sum of its parts.

In knowing this, seeking out a partner becomes far more than a social custom and routine for defending against loneliness or diffusing sexual frustrations. Seeking out that member of the opposite sex who compliments us the greatest and with us forms the most integral unified being becomes the most important mission in our lives, to one day possibly be culminated in the creation of a brand new human being literally consisting of half of each partner. How well we raise this freshly birthed wondrous work of nature and man will also largely depend on how well we function as a unit, thus making the entirety of the character and integrity of the human race rest very significantly on how well we pair-bond and copulate. The magnificent importance of this quest cannot be overstated.

Life is a simply grand sometimes.

I am a teacher of many subjects and a student of many more from San Diego, CA. I have observed that the world humans have created for themselves on this planet is largely irrational, inefficient, unethical, inhospitable, unproductive, insane, and entirely unsustainable. This observation led to conclusions in favor of freeing man from servitude and self-destruction through optimized individual choice. My focus now lies in the liberation of man through educational inspiration and the creation of new institutions which cater to rational beings capable of running their own lives and forfeiting mastery over others.
Email me at
View more of my writings at

How to Develop a Good Relationship With Your Lover

For you are like many people, your romantic relationships will end up being one of the most important things in your life. Working to develop and grow that relationship is necessary if you want it to last. Being honest about what you want and whether or not you are receiving it is key. So is not forgetting who you are even in the midst of a hot, torrid love affair. Making a commitment to growing the friendship between you and your partner is helpful as well. Friendships help cement relationships even when romantic feelings temporarily (hopefully) languish.

a. Be honest about what you want: In order to develop a good relationship with your lover, it is important that you are honest about what you want. Settling won't help anyone, you or him (or her). Instead, first determine in your own heart what you want so that you will be able to communicate to your partner exactly what this is. You will need to be honest with yourself before you can with him or her.

b. Be honest when you are (or aren't) getting what you want: Now, I'm not suggesting that you nag your partner to death but it is important that you tell him or her when you are not getting what you want or need. This sure beats cheating, because you are unsatisfied but have yet to admit that to your partner. Equally important is to let him or her know when you are indeed satisfied. All of us like to know when we are appreciated and getting it right. It cuts both ways. It is important to discuss both the good and the bad.

c. Don't forget who you are: It can be easy for people, both men and women to lose themselves in a relationship, especially in the beginning when emotions are running high and the relationship is brand new.

d. Make a commitment to the friendship not just the relationship: Often times, the best relationships are those built on friendships. Get to know your partner as a friend and cultivate that friendship. This will help you two better withstand tough times.

Making a commitment to the friendship and not just the relationship is important. Relationships that have a strong underlying friendship have a better chance of surviving. Not forgetting who you are and not getting lost in the relationship is important as well. Being honest about what you want and whether or not you are receiving it can be helpful as well. If you consider all of the aforementioned, you have a fighting chance of working things out with your partner and developing a relationship that is lasting and loving.

Francesca runs a popular love quotes website where you can find 1,000's of love quotes and falling in love quotes to help heal a broken heart.

The Benefits of Being Single on Valentine's Day

For many people, Valentine's Day, is the day when you may feel sad, depressed, or alone if you are single. However, with so many failed relationships, nasty break-ups, or unhealthy unions, some singles are seeing this time as a time to embrace their solitude. Ann Landers once said, "It is better to be alone, than wishing you were". As a single person, why not use this time to focus on the benefits of being single rather than regretting a past you cannot change.

Here are some perks you may recognize:

Freedom. As a single person, you can do what you want, when you want. You are not accountable to anyone.
You don't have to compromise or negotiate.
You have the time and energy to focus on other areas of your life like your career, health, friendships or other self-improvement goals.
No in-laws to deal with.
Your space is your space. You can decorate it any way you like.
You can choose to be neat or messy without worrying about comments from your partner.
There are no emotionally toxic, co-dependent needs to deal with
Your money is your money.
You can go out with friends, drink and not worry about coming home late.
You don't need to stress about what your partner's friends think about you and if you fit in.
You don't have to wonder if you are settling.
Your time is your own.
You don't have to worry about breaking up with your partner.
You can create and visualize the details of what your future relationship should be.
Use this time wisely. Make a list of the things that are positive in your life today and work towards reducing your negative self-talk and eliminating the destructive patterns you tend to repeat in your relationships.

If you mistakenly buy into the myth that you need a partner to be happy, being single can be lonely at times. If, however, you look on this time as an opportunity to work on yourself, appreciate what you already have and make a plan to be an even better you; just imagine the kind of partner you will be attracting into your life, thanks, in part, to be single on Valentine's day.

I say again, if you mistakenly buy into the myth that you need a partner to be happy, being single can be lonely at times. If, however, you look on this time as an opportunity to work on yourself, appreciate what you already have and make a plan to be an even better you; just imagine the kind of partner you will be attracting into your life, thanks, in part, to be single on Valentine's day.

Rhonda Rabow, M.A.

Author's Bio Rhonda Rabow is an author and a psychotherapist living in Montreal, Quebec Canada. She has over 25 years experience counseling individuals, couples and families facing a variety of life challenges; from parenting, grief, depression, and self-esteem issues, to conflict resolution and marriage counseling. Her approach is empowerment and she accomplishes this by helping her clients find solutions to their problems and teaching them the skills and tools they need to feel back in control of their lives. She has also recently published an e-book called, "Discover the 3 secrets to living happily ever after".

Why Does He Say He Loves Me If He Does Not Feel That Way?

If you are a woman with any kind of relationship experience behind you, then I am sure that you have had the experience of having a guy say that he loves you and then go and do things that make it seem pretty obvious that he does not feel that way. While this is a pretty common occurrence, it still may make you wonder, why do guys do that? Is it all just a game to them or is there something that you need to know?

Love is one of those words that, unfortunately, it gets thrown around way too casually and because of that... it tends to lose its true meaning to many people. While everyone is going to have their own exact definitions of what the word means, it tends to have universal applications. So, why is it that a guy will say that he loves you and then do things that seem to demonstrate otherwise?

Here are 3 possibilities for why men say they love a woman when it sure does not seem that way:

1) He wants to feel that way, but he just does not.

Here's the truth about some guys who drop the L word too casually and then do things that make you wonder why they would go and say that - they WANT to feel that way. Look, a lot of guys are not total jerks, they do want to feel that way, however, they just don't Instead of being honest about it, they would rather say that they do with the hopes that that will somehow placate the situation so that they do not have to talk about it any further.

2) It's just a line to him, and he hopes you buy it.

This is also another really common reason and it is one that you have to be on the lookout for. There are some guys that will use the word as nothing more than just a line to get what they want. And if you buy it, then you will end up paying the price for it.

3) He does not know how to show it.

This is a common reason that quite often gets misread by a woman. He might really love you and he might not be playing any games at all... yet he does not know how to show it. We get taught how to show love as we grow up, and many people never really get that lesson and so when they grow up... they don't know how to show their affection and true feelings.

Does he really love you back or is he just playing games with you?

Get Your FREE Dating Guide for Women here: Dating Tips for Women

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Use The Magic of Making Up to Get Your Ex Back

If you want to get your ex back for good, you need to use a good strategy that really works. Learn this powerful magic formula that can make a person who hates you, literally turn around and start loving you. This technique uses a quirk in human behavior, which you can use to your advantage.

One of the basic tendencies of human beings is to be attracted by something that does not belong to them. Since the dawn of humanity, the "forbidden fruit" has held a strong appeal over people's minds. The forbidden fruit can be anything that attracts your attention, but is always out of your reach. The harder it is to get it, the greater your desire to somehow possess it.

Whether we realize it or not, all of us have probably experienced this feeling at some point of time in our lives. When we see an attractive thing that is beyond our reach, we secretly start coveting it. This particular behavioral trait is present in all human beings and transcends race, sex, culture, religious affiliation, economic status or educational background.

Now you might be wondering what this has got to do with getting your ex back. It indeed has a lot to do with relationships. In fact, this human trait gives you an opportunity to have a powerful influence over your ex. When you know how to use it effectively, you can literally make your ex make a u-turn in their attitude towards you.

First of all, you need to understand that as long as you are "available" to your ex, they would not tend to bother much about you. But if you get out of their reach and become the "forbidden fruit" in their life, then they will suddenly begin to want you desperately.

So, if your ex has been turning the cold shoulder and you have been begging, calling and pleading with them to come back, you have to stop your pathetic behavior right now. As long as you are available to your ex, they will take you for granted. Only when you get out of their reach and become the forbidden fruit, they will start changing their attitude towards you for the better.

When you withdraw yourself from them, you will give them a taste of what life is like, without you. As long as you keep running behind them, you will never give them an opportunity to think about losing you. But now, for the first time ever, it would occur to them that you might be slipping away through their fingers. In all probability, they would never want that to happen.

When you are eventually out of their reach, you would have become the forbidden fruit to them, and they will start desiring you more than ever before. They will begin to see you in a new light. They will want you in their life desperately.

You have the power within you to make this happen. But you need to make a conscious decision to take action. Now that you know the magic formula to get your ex back, you need to use it wisely to turn the situation around. However, there are a few specific steps that you need to follow to implement this principle.

Visit the Magic of Making Up site that teaches you step by step, how to become the forbidden fruit to get your ex back.

Unhappy Relationship - Things You Can Do

Feeling that you are stuck in an unhappy relationship can take a great toll on a person. And the truth is that many couples experience this situation everyday and don't know what to do about it. There can be many causes for an unhappy relationship and many solutions as well.

There are some things you can do to turn the situation around if you are willing to do them. Remember, if you do nothing, then things will only stay the same or get worse. So deciding to do something to change the situation is the best step to take.

First Thing to Do

If you are unhappy in your relationship, the first thing to do is to figure out the cause of your unhappiness. Is it something your mate has done or not done? Is it something he/she has said? Is it something you have done or some attitude you have? Is there some need that you have that is not being met in the relationship? Has a misunderstanding occurred? Are you blowing things out of proportion? Are your expectations about your relationship, your mate, or even yourself, "unrealistic"? What is the real reason for your unhappiness?

Asking yourself questions like these can help you come to a conclusion as to the real reason for your unhappiness. Also, try to keep in mind that even the best of relationships hit "bumps" in the road sometimes. We all experience good days and bad days. This is true for relationships just as it is for every other area of life. So don't expect every day to be perfect. Just because a couple of days don't go the way you would like for them to, doesn't mean that everything is falling apart. That's just the way life is sometimes. Make sure your expectations are "realistic".

The Second Thing to Do

Once you figure out the reason for your unhappiness, the next step is to take action to remedy the situation. This might involve things like having a heart to heart talk with your loved one and explaining to them how you feel. It might involve changing how you perceive things or changing your attitude about them. If you feel like a need is not being met, then letting your mate know about it could turn everything around. Sometimes people don't know that we are hurting, let alone why, until we tell them. When we tell them, most of the time, they are more than willing to meet us at our point of need.

The Third Thing

This could easily be the first or second thing to do because it is one of the most vital steps to consider. Here it is. "You must make sure that you are totally committed to making this relationship work". Anything less than a total commitment on your part is worse than doing nothing at all. Putting in a half hearted effort is not an option here. There might be times when you feel that your loved one is not doing their part, that they are not as committed as you are. You cannot control what others do and feel but you can control what you do. Being totally committed, no matter what happens, can help you to get through the tough times.

Number Four

Give it time to work. Be patient. Great relationships are not created overnight. They take time and effort. And the people who enjoy these kinds of relationships have put in the time and effort to create them. They are the people who do the little things everyday to create the relationships they dream about. And they do it consistently, making their relationships to their loved ones the most important thing in their lives.

A Final Word

Don't be afraid to seek professional counseling for your problems. There are many qualified therapists and counselors who can help you on your way. Sometimes it takes someone on the "outside looking in" to see what is at the heart of the situation. These qualified pros can often offer a quicker, more stable, and lasting solution than you can find on your own.

Above all remember, you alone have the power to create the kinds of relationships you desire in your life. All the good advice in the world won't change a thing until you decide to do something to make it happen.

Want to know more about creating incredible relationships and watch some great videos? Go to Fix Broken Relationship.

Mistakes Women Make in Relationships

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results....

If you tend to repeat attitudes and behaviors in relationships, and yet you expect your new relationship to be different from the ones you had, it's time to stop.

Perform an honest analysis of your pattern behaviors and try to change them. Your desire to love and to be loved, combined with your emotional past, can determine you to make some repetitive mistakes in your relationship.

The fear of losing him, lack of knowledge, the woman's nature who tends to over accommodate the partner - all these things can determine behavioral mistakes.

Mistake no 1: The woman is wrong when she tries to change her partner.

At first, the woman is attracted by some obvious essential qualities, hoping that her feminine spells and intellectual prowess will help her change the rest of him.

HINT: If you want a cat, don't get a dog that you'll train to be a cat. Do not get in a relationship hoping that he will change. Most often this does not happen.

Learn to love or tolerate the aspects that you want to change in him. Have a very honest discussion with yourself and decide if what you love in him it's enough to help you get over the aspects that he, most likely, will never change.

HINT: Reproaches made, even though based in reality, will erode the romance and the passion. Gradually you will be in a love/hate relationship, addictive and hard to manage.

Mistake no 2: The woman is wrong when asking herself too early what's the direction of the relationship.

A relationship has its stages of development. The excessive need for security will determine the woman to desire for a rapid evolution of the relationship. Other reasons, unrelated to love, but to various other calculus, can make the woman to want too early a plan for the future.

HINT: Let the relationship blossom by itself, don't force him to make plans for the future too early in the relationship. When a woman has her own plan for her life, she no longer feels so dependent and doesn't need anymore for the man to make a plan.

Mistake no 3: The woman is wrong in a relationship when giving up on herself, on her passions, on her sources of vitality and richness.

The temptation is very strong to become totally absorbed in a relationship, especially in its beginnings. You are inclined to do everything with your partner, to give up your hobbies or friends in order to spend time with him.

HINT: Don't give up on your sources of joy even if, out of jealousy or desire of control, he will ask you to.

Often, a woman will tend to be fulfilled through her man. And men have this particular talent to induce the idea that it is the duty of their women to unconditionally support them.

You can either be a slave in his empire or a queen in your own kingdom. Any kind of independence - emotional, material, intellectual, is very seductive for your partner. Because independence means power, and power is the greatest aphrodisiac.

The pathological absorption in the other one has a weird power of seduction, giving the false illusion of security.

Mistake no 4: The woman is wrong in a relationship hoping and projecting in the future.

What does this mean? To hope that things will resolve by themselves. To hope that the future will bring a magical resolution to the couple's problems.

The hope that he will change by himself makes a woman to live in the future, ignoring the present dissatisfaction in the hope of future solutions.

What you can "hope" for is that time will bring anesthesia, indifference, that you will compensate for your unhappiness with other stimuli that bring you instant, short term pleasure. This is how overeating, drug dependency, affairs and other compensatory behaviors such as excessive shopping occurs.

HINT: An agonizing end is better than a never-ending agony. Draw the line, cut your losses and learn from your mistake.

It's always a negotiation of compromises, you just need to choose the smallest compromise you can live with.

Mistake no 5: The woman is wrong in a relationship when she lies to herself.

Fear of loneliness, fear of losing comfort or status, fear of change, are some of the reasons that determines the woman to lie to herself regarding the motives to remain in a relationship.

HINT: Do not fake orgasms, do not fake happiness, do not mime indifference. Because eventually you will fake your own destiny.

Sometimes, the differences between the two of you are too big. Even if you are compatible on some levels, there are other deep level communions that are missing.

Mistake no 6: The woman is wrong by criticizing his friends and his choices regarding social relationships.

It is impossible to agree with all his choices. Same time, to know how to communicate what bothers you is a true art.

HINT: You won't like all the time the same things, the same place, the same people. Similarities are the foundation of a relationship but the differences are the necessary spices to spark the passion.

Happiness is a personal duty, not the partner's. What your partner offers you is a different kind of happiness, another dimension of being, a richness of sensations, feelings and understandings, possible only through communion with another being.

As long as a woman has multiple sources of fulfillment and validation outside the relationship, she will continuously attract the admiration of her partner.

There are relationships formed on the basis of common fears, of complementary traumas, and relationships formed on the basis of mutual admiration, with he desire to share the happiness within, the fulfillment and the becoming of their destiny.

What kind of relationship are you in?

Sophie Rinaldi is a life coach and licensed counselor.

You can learn more about Sophie Rinaldi or have a session of online counseling through live chat at

Sophie Rinaldi is an expert counselor and licensed therapist offering live advice through live chat or email sessions

The Opposite of Love Is Laziness

Stay in a very comfortable position and I want you to imagine this...

What if your mother is too lazy to wake up early in the morning to cook your bacon and serve your breakfast?

Much more, what if your mother was too lazy to breastfeed you when you were still a baby?

What if your father is too lazy to go to work to his office and earn a living?

Or how about he has work, but he is too lazy to open his wallet and give you your allowance for the day?

What if your brother is too lazy to study hard and finish his education knowing that the family's future lays in his hands?

What if your sister is too lazy to wash the dishes, cook some food, clean the house, wash clothes - even the hankies!?

What if your husband is too lazy to go and pick the children from school after class?

What if your wife is too lazy to kiss you good night?

What if your best friend is too lazy to go over your house and listen to you knowing that you just broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend that afternoon?

Or just your ordinary friend so lazy to give you a one correct answer - just one simple correct answer - during the exams.

What if your girlfriend is too lazy to come early and on time in your dates - 3 hours and 48 minutes late perhaps?

What if your boyfriend is too lazy to brush his teeth?

Friends, I still believe that laziness is the opposite of love. Some say, it's indifference, well yes, I still agree. But how do you show indifference?


Do this.

First, thank the significant persons in your life who does these simple things - waking up early, small sacrifices, all the cooking for you, waiting for you for hours, staying late at night when you are sick, going to friends just to borrow money when you need one, being patient every time you lose your patience and all other big extra effort - just to help you out. These are small things, but be thankful, at least you know that they still love you. And someone still loves you.

Second, always remember, that if you value a relationship and you really wanted to keep it - don't be lazy towards it.

Work on it.

Do the hard stuff.

Hanz Florentino is a motivational speaker, personal excellence coach, and a creative director who lives his life helping thousands to discover their passions and make money millions from it. Today he shares the secret to build great relationships. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Psychology he now leads people to create an Excellence Blueprint in their Life, Career, Relationships, Business, Leadership, and Wealth. Know more about the Motivational Speaker Hanz Florentino here.

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