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Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Heart Is Broken

So many times in life we get our hearts broken. Today I want to express what that means to me. Most of the time when someone expresses this feeling, we immediately assume that this is a relationship issue, and give them the standard pep talk. The truth is, people let us down in so many other ways, and it can be very confusing to our souls.

It all starts with the feeling that we can change someone or it is our responsibility to make someone happy. This alone, will inevitably lead to heartbreak. We are only responsible for ourselves and God wants us to focus on ourselves first. When we do this, we then can spread our joy to others. Not the other way around.

The other day I was reciting the Serenity prayer and once finished I had this desire to see it written out. So I went to my computer and looked it up. There it was, all spelled out just as I had been reciting it. I read it again and again and then one time out loud. Something about the prayer was gnawing at me trying to get my attention and I couldn't place my finger on it. Then it jumped off the page. It was the very last line of the prayer, God wanted to get my attention on that very last line.

Here is the prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Wow! I thought, this makes perfect sense. If I can learn the difference between what I can change and what I can not change, then my life will become more peaceful. The more I understand that I am not responsible for the change in another, then the less chance I have for my heart to be broken.

A broken a heart is not a bad thing, God gave us emotions for a reason. What I learned is that some of my emotions are self inflicted, and when I ask myself such questions as "what is it that I am really seeking?" the truth comes out and I find that I have a selfish agenda or motive. When I find myself trying to fix someone, or change someone, it is usually time for me to look inside and work on me. The choice is within.

Brian Patrick Lewis, is a trained Chef, Author and Speaker. His new book, "in the weeds, landscape of a chefs life" can be found at

The Secret How To Instantly Craft Romantic Quotes For Her

Are you one of those sensitive souls who understands the power of romantic quotes for her? There are many ways to bring the romantic spirit within you to the fore, but the fastest and surest way is to look for love quotes online.

For sure. Amongst all of us, there are only a few who might be able to construct a romantic verse. This day and age however it is easy to get access to some lovely romantic quotes online. Why not check out other places where you might get an idea or inspiration to write your own love quotes? Your Juliet is bound to be overwhelmed with the romantic vocabulary you are putting on display.

Are you ready to challenge the romantic side of yourself? Which of the possible resources are you going to utilize to sweep your loved one of her feet? It is advisable to only utilize love lines which are selected with care from a variety of written resources. Greater impact will be achieved when your romantic quotes are based on particular events that happened recently.

Romantic quotes for her by legendary writers

Produce your most memorable love quotes by using modern day and timeless resources for inspiration. The most adored written pieces of art are the result of sheer brilliance on the part of the author. If you go for the literary route, make sure that she also has an interest in that kind of writing so that she can appreciate your efforts. To strike at the very heart of romance you may want to take note of the following electrifying quote.

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" There aren't many playwrights like William Shakespeare who could write romantic lines like he did for his play Romeo and Juliet. If you could write a play like this, you would have no problem producing love quotes all day long. Timeless pieces like Romeo and Juliet will always be popular subject matter for reproduction in a variety of art forms.

Cinematic love quotes

It turns out that love quotes taken from motion pictures are currently well liked. This kind of confirms that films are helpful in brainstorming romantic love quotes. A multitude of romantic films find their way to the big screen on an almost weekly basis. Many love quotes borrowed from infamous pictures have found their way into a personal romantic message. Are these not great?

"Distance means so little when someone means so much."

"I was looking up at the stars and giving them each reason why I love you, I was doing great until I ran out of stars."

Songs and romantic quotes

Many quotes of love were originally inspired by romantic love songs. Song writers have always been able to produce romantic songs, even when you thought that all variations were exhausted. Many songs are able to provide you with a bag of ideas to fashion romantic quotes for that special girl. The best songs to conceive an exclusive quote from the heart are the most recent ones.

You will discover that it is much easier to write a fitting love quote when you use a song that you are really fond of. The other route you could take is to explore some romantic literature and get the love juices (ink) flowing.

Do you need some more inspiration to create your own romantic quotes for her? Why not check out the large selection of love quotes at our website and take your pick of the best romantic quotes for her.

The Real Purpose of Love

Relationships are far more complicated than in former times. Having evolved as a species, our needs eclipse those of former generations. Whether we want "the one" or "the one for now," factors by which people traditionally dated and mated are currently in flux. Humans desire meaningful connections regardless of where we are in our lives and personal evolution. The imperative of all Life is to advance and loved ones enrich that experience. The question remains--- as we advance, what form will our relationships take? Only when we know our disposition and core values, can we properly assess how to go about the business of dating in today's world.

Incumbent upon each of us wanting to connect with another is the honest appraisal of what we want. Exactly. If we don't know that, we'll be set adrift in a sea of confusion allowing our partner to force their desired outcome. Know yourself. Be clear about what you want. Be clear also, about your ability to function in the type of relationship you seek. Don't set goals you can't achieve just to capture someone. There will be no joy in that attainment. Set the parameters for a foundation from which you can be yourself, and flourish. Without that knowledge, you won't enjoy the experience of connection and won't advance in accomplishing your desires for partnership, no matter what form it takes.

My viewpoint on love and relationships opposes conventional thinking. Instead of seeing the acquisition of a lover as the goal, I see the goal as joint advancement through the vehicle of love.

When the point of love is to capture the "other," they become a tenuous target. Anxiety and torment accompany this formula. We can't control others. We can't make anyone love us. The rigors of this approach destroy any real love, that could occur. To play by these rules necessitates games and activates the ego in all its misery.

The purpose of partnership is to experience love and expand our ability to know love, within. It is only this part of us that is able to love--- the part that feels our love emanating outward. In loving, we experience our own life-force in its finest expression. From this foundation, partnership becomes the treasured vehicle of advancement toward greater consciousness.

All who participate in our lives carry with their presence the ability to aid our evolution. That is their primary purpose, and our primary purpose in their life. The potential within relationships is no less than miraculous. It's in the meeting of two souls, that the reflection of a greater image is seen. Powerful, magnetic, yet often elusive, we seek that mirror which will reflect our highest self in loving partnership.

The relationship fostered through love instructs and teaches the way of opening to all that is greater within, and all that can be achieved in union. It holds the energy of our finest moments co-mingled with the smaller moments of human reactivity. It is the vehicle of transformation and elimination, as well as generosity and selfishness. It is the balance of what we have become with that which we seek to become... ever expressing the Divine within the human, and the human within the Divine. When understood and utilized for its many teachings, we can grow to become our greater self via our combined selves. Relationship holds the sweetness of birth, growth and release within its framework. We learn through our love, to love and release. We learn the greater and smaller parts of ourselves. It is the mirror that reflects our deepest desires and greatest offerings. Love is the gift we give to ourselves, as we give it to another.

Susan Winter offers cutting-edge information on today's evolving models of love and partnership. Traditional relationship challenges, age-varied couplings and commonly asked dating questions are approached from a higher perspective, allowing readers the best possible romantic outcome. Additional articles and personalized advice can be found on the following site.

The Unbroken Heart

Rare, but it does exist. I have a dear friend who has never had a broken heart. Something inside her leaves before any damage can be done. I marvel at this. She is not cold and shallow, as one might imagine. She is open and loving. Who does this happen?

Most of us have to experience a heart that's been broken, in order to restore us to compassion. At 51, she has avoided this common rite of human passage. She's only experienced men who love her totally, with whom she is also in love and in control.

I've witnessed many a person who could benefit from their hearts being broken. They need to feel pain in order to touch that which is real, within. I've also known people who've never been in love. How does one live so many years, and not allow this marvelous vehicle to expand their reality? My friend was born of loving parents, to a loving world that supported her vision. She has instincts that protect her from useless heartache, and provide a natural sense of balance.

For the others... the multitudes that have suffered from heartbreak, what's the difference? Is there a need to have the heart be broken? In most cases, I would say yes. When there is no depth of cut, there is no depth. It is the cut that creates the opening. I look at those who cannot feel, cannot connect and cannot appreciate the love they are given. Jaded, unappreciative and entitled, they stand outside the walls of love. Safe, impervious, and strong. What is strong? Is it the ability to not feel, or to feel? If "strong" is that ability to remain unaffected by those around us, perhaps the answer is that we should feel. It's just life. Why not be alive to all the colors, light and dark?

It wasn't until my first heartbreak, that I began to understand the impact of love. Until that point in time, I'd safely reaped the merits of being loved without experiencing the pain of loss. Consciousness is a continuum. Once we're awake, there's no going back to sleep. I'd hurt many a man when I was younger and unaware. I now enter relationships aware of the person on the other end-- feeling, processing and attuned to my output. I have a responsibility. I must be as clear and forthright as possible.

What's the goal in love? Is it the joy of being loved or the joy of loving? My friend exemplifies a rare case of giving and receiving love without pain. What's her secret? Great parents, Karma or luck? It doesn't matter. This is her reality. My friend is an anomaly. Not affected by the pain of love, she lives in the sunshine of each day. As I marvel at this version of love, I wonder. For which lessons did we sign-up, and for which must we continue?

The majority of emails I receive are regarding unrequited love. Why else contact a relationship expert? Unrequited love is woven throughout history. It's the basis of books, movies and songs. Yet what is the reason for its presence? Why do some individuals experience only joyous partnership?

In my friend's philosophy, the parameters of partnership are simple and straight forward. "Why be interested in one who isn't interested in us? And, why love someone who isn't able to love us?" Sounds logical. It makes sense. With that easy take on love, why do so many experience a different reality?

If this woman is any indicator, it's to highlight the idea that it may not be necessary to feel the pain of love- as long as we can love. Perhaps she has the natural instinct to connect only to those men who are fine human beings; honest, faithful and committed. Perhaps it's because she has only had a few men in her life, but chose them carefully and with the clear intention of being happy. Whatever the reason, she is not the norm. Her life does provide tangible proof that pain doesn't have to be part of the equation. For that reason, I find her intriguing story worth mentioning.

Each of us has our own path here- things we've come to learn and things we've come to transcend. Maybe for the unbroken hearts, it's just a different set of lessons.

Susan Winter offers cutting-edge information on today's evolving models of love and partnership. Traditional relationship challenges, age-varied couplings and commonly asked dating questions are approached from a higher perspective, allowing readers the best possible romantic outcome. Additional articles and personalized advice can be found on the following site.

When Loving Your Spouse Grosses You Out

Have you ever looked at something you normally love and suddenly lose your appetite for it? What do you do then?

Twelve year old Nathan came bursting into the house, nearly in tears.

"THERE'S A PROBLEM!!" he yelled. When he ran in the room where his big brother and I were, he asked for help.

"Jordan, there is a dead bird caught in my batting cage net. Can you please help me get it out? Its stomach is split open and it looks like it is breathing from millions of maggots, and its head already fell off."

Nathan pleaded.

Jordan puked.

I tried not to laugh.

The beloved batting cage still sits abandoned.

It's okay, their dad finally returns from the war next week. I'm sure they'll ask him to deal with it, in all his warrior-ness!

The point is, how can one nasty element cause you to totally lose your passion for something you love?


How does this happen in the bedroom?

We've talked to couples who seem to know that making love could be an exercise in ecstasy - but instead the sight (or thought) of a naked partner brings near-nausea. Really? Makes you sick to your stomach? How sad.

Some excuses:

* "Ever since I saw that baby come out of there with all that blood and slime, yuck..."
* "The way he just sits on the couch like a slob and then wants to have sex, ugh...!"
* "My wife just isn't attractive to me any more..."
* "The thought of oral sex completely grosses me out..."

And on it goes.

In not one single case of bedroom aversion was there a decaying, maggot filled, decapitated creature in the picture. Nope. Just normal, every-day, real life.

So, what is a lover to do?

Remember, all we really deal with in life, is experience and meaning. We attach meaning to stuff we see, hear, feel, taste, touch. At any time, we have the choice to let it mean something else. Here's how:

1. Acknowledge the emotion
Accept the fact that your body has created a conditioned response to what you are seeing or thinking. On some level, it is trying to protect you from pain. It's like a child. Embrace that inner child for a moment and let it be heard. It's just energy anyway.

2. Offer acceptance and forgiveness
First of all, accept the fact that you feel this way and it doesn't make you a terrible person. Then forgive your self, and the other person for their lack of "perfection." After all, most of us, including that spouse of yours, doing the best we can with what we have."

3. Create an empowering choice
Since it would be futile to change the other person, how would YOU respond if you were in your loving, sexy power? Would you go back to a time when things were sizzling? Would you embrace your mate just as they are? Would you choose to see them as perfection? Maybe you would just choose to be loving and responsive.

4. Manage your energy
All of the steps above are responses to your personal energy. When you need to perform at your peak under pressure, you must learn to manage that energy. One very abbreviated way to do that is just to breathe deep and put your hand on your chest. Then tap with your whole hand as you feel the vibration of your words. In just a few sentences and breaths and actions you can do steps 1-3:

"Even though I am completely grossed out right now, I totally accept my self and my emotions, and I forgive my spouse for doing the best they know. And, I choose to be loving, open and responsive."

If you say that several times, while breathing deeply, and tapping your chest, your body will shift its energy and the aversion will go away. Remarkably, you will find your self becoming loving, open and responsive. When you do, you will find peace and love and joy instead of aversion.

If you would like to recapture the passion in your marriage intimacy and have a love life that is sizzling, sexy and sacred, than get your free audio and report: Five Keys to Really Great Sex Tonight from Relationship expert, Gina Parris at

Gina Parris is an international speaker, performance coach and a champion for sexy marriages and healthy relationships.

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