Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Heart Is Broken

So many times in life we get our hearts broken. Today I want to express what that means to me. Most of the time when someone expresses this feeling, we immediately assume that this is a relationship issue, and give them the standard pep talk. The truth is, people let us down in so many other ways, and it can be very confusing to our souls.

It all starts with the feeling that we can change someone or it is our responsibility to make someone happy. This alone, will inevitably lead to heartbreak. We are only responsible for ourselves and God wants us to focus on ourselves first. When we do this, we then can spread our joy to others. Not the other way around.

The other day I was reciting the Serenity prayer and once finished I had this desire to see it written out. So I went to my computer and looked it up. There it was, all spelled out just as I had been reciting it. I read it again and again and then one time out loud. Something about the prayer was gnawing at me trying to get my attention and I couldn't place my finger on it. Then it jumped off the page. It was the very last line of the prayer, God wanted to get my attention on that very last line.

Here is the prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Wow! I thought, this makes perfect sense. If I can learn the difference between what I can change and what I can not change, then my life will become more peaceful. The more I understand that I am not responsible for the change in another, then the less chance I have for my heart to be broken.

A broken a heart is not a bad thing, God gave us emotions for a reason. What I learned is that some of my emotions are self inflicted, and when I ask myself such questions as "what is it that I am really seeking?" the truth comes out and I find that I have a selfish agenda or motive. When I find myself trying to fix someone, or change someone, it is usually time for me to look inside and work on me. The choice is within.

Brian Patrick Lewis, is a trained Chef, Author and Speaker. His new book, "in the weeds, landscape of a chefs life" can be found at


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