Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where Did The Time Go? True Love May Be The Time Bandit

Happy birthday sounds much better when you are ten than when you are one year past the mid-century mark, at least for me. I can remember when I was ten and playing on the abandoned steam shovel behind the coal region town of Kaska, Pennsylvania with my childhood friend Nemo as if it was yesterday. I can also remember going to Hershey Park in Stenny's father's car as he got his license first among our group of friends, we were 16. Those days seem to last a lot longer than the days that go by now and I believe that the proportion of time itself has something to do with it.

Proportion and imagery spoke volumes to us for millions of years before language was fashionable. Size produced some interesting survival strategies throughout the history of biological evolution by which the most recognizable is the selection of the physically bigger among prey species, effectively communicating, "Don't try to eat me, I'm too big." However, proportion has not only played an important role in evolution's grand scheme but has accompanied us individually throughout our lives on some hidden and personal levels.

Consider the first time that you ventured a visit to your elementary school after several years of enjoying alumni status. You immediately experienced an Alice in Wonderland sense of proportion and felt like you had taken the one pill that makes you larger. Many items have noticeably shrunk, desks, lockers, hallways, doors, toilets, classrooms, etc... as if the White Rabbit just played a bad joke on you. What makes this a particularly strange experience is that you don't remember these items being so small because they weren't - you were.

We can experience time in much the same proportional way. It feels as if it speeds up as we get older and most of us come to question the validity of Einstein's theory at some point in our lives. Consider the summer when you were nine or ten years old and how long that summer seemed in comparison to the same season experienced as an adult. The reality of this phenomenon is proportionally rooted in the relationship of these three months to your current life span. Simple math indicates that, for a ten year old, three months represents 1/40 of their lives while, for a thirty year old adult, three months comprises 1/120 of their lives. In this light, the effect of proportion makes the same three-month period seem to go much faster relative to the whole of one's life experiences.

The first artists were well aware of our emotional tie to proportion as reflected in several famous Venus figurines, which may also provide an example of some of the first images of love. Some figurines accentuate pregnancy and full female breasts in exaggerated proportions. I guess that pregnant women had a beautiful glow in pre-history as well. Proportion screams volumes of information to our instinctual level of intelligence under our individual rules of physical attraction when it comes to selecting a potential love partner; notably, that a well proportioned face and body is usually preferred.

Archeologists are quick to assign the emergence of conceptual intelligence and modern behavior and religious ceremonial value to these artifacts; however, they are careful not to apply the emotional state of love as a possible motivation for the tremendous caveman efforts. I would suggest just the opposite, that the artistic expressions of the time were directly tied to the newly evolved, ultimately complex emotion of love. Perhaps if archeologists spent less time digging up old bones and more time jumping new ones, they might notice the direct correlation between art and love that the rest of us archeologically challenged modern humans so easily recognize. Maybe universities should include some mandatory Meatloaf, "I would do anything for love," in their graduate level archeology curriculum.

Time represents a key line of connection along the intellectual continuum for couples in true love. True love may be the biggest time bandit of all. Arguably, our most valuable resource, how much time to spend together and how much apart, can be the source of anxiety for many couples. Charles Darwin said of time, "A man who dares to waste one hour of his life has not discovered the value of life," an inward focus of time. Charles Dickens said, "A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self," an outward focus of time. What the two Charlies may not have known in their time is that true love really does stand the test of time, relatively speaking.

It is incredibly difficult to verbalize the time distortion phenomenon experienced by couples in a true love relationship. Every time I look for adequate words and or representations, I find the tether of math, physics, and biochemistry blocking my thoughts. Yet, every one of us who has even gone through the infatuation phase of a relationship can attest, quite accurately, to what happens to time; it speeds up when we are within reasonable proximity to our partner's stimuli and slows down when we are yearning for their sights, sounds, smells, and touch. If lovers are not accelerating, relative to the space-time they occupy, then why does time seemingly speed up? Why do most new couples look at the clock and it is suddenly 5 AM when it feels like only an hour has passed since they met for dinner at 7 PM the night before. True love couples seem to experience time in this way their whole lives.

If this phenomenon were strictly individual and imaginary then there would be no shared experience. Some people can even tap into the distortion as a third party, resulting in comments to couples of how cute they are. Falling off a cliff is as close to an accurate simile as I can find. Some recent controlled studies indicated that time distorts while falling for the individual involved in as much as reaction time speeds up relative to the "normal" condition of not falling. Falling in love has the same effect on time and I imagine that for me that is where the time went. Unfortunately that is all the time we have on this interesting topic for this time.

Do You LOVE Only When It Is An Automatic Reaction To Someone or Something?

Let's face it for the most part we all have experienced love at some point in our lives even if you don't feel love now.

However, for many of us the only kind of love that you are able to experience is when it is automatic reaction someone or something.

In other words, the only time you love is when you find yourself automatically in a state of love without you having to have to actually do anything about it.

As you can imagine, we live in an increasingly complex society yet when it comes to our emotions many times the default setting is on automatic.

Wouldn't it be nice if in the future you actually could transform your capacity to love to whenever you wanted rather than to only love as a reaction to something or someone?

That's why you will be glad to know that there is an even better way to love and with time you will quickly begin to discover that the more you practice love the quicker you will find yourself in a state of being love more and more often.

Best of all, you can begin your practice of love right now simply by finding a quiet place where there aren't any distractions and you wont be disturbed for at least five to ten minutes.

From there you will want to close your eyes and simply become aware of the sensations that you feel around your heart space (which is located at the middle of your chest) and take deep conscious breaths in love and exhaling all tensions, worries and anxieties.

And if you wake up each morning and allow yourself those five to ten minutes to feel love and more importantly listen to what your heart has to say from that quiet place you will actually be creating a pathway to love that you can access at any time rather than having to wait until you encounter someone or something that causes your love to automatically happen.

As if all of this wasn't enough you will also be glad to know that if you are seriously interested in learning how to live in a state of being love then diving into the depths of the practice of yoga nidra is something that i would highly recommend as it will actually take you to the deepest states of your being which just in case you didn't know is where the most empowering state being love happens to reside.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

Join Thaddeus aka Yogi Big Love in a state of Being LOVE at Now!

Will I Get Married? The Bizarre Truth About Love Predictions (And The BEST Way To Get Yours!)

Does he really love me? Do I have a soulmate? Will I get married... and if YES, when? Believe it or not, these 3 simple questions are the most popular, and the most common queries thrown at love psychics, emotional intuitives, astrological experts and relationship advisors by far! As a matter of fact, as an emotional empath and professional relationship blogger, I can tell you from first hand experience that more women want to know the answers to the above, than just about any other "life prediction" there is!

But can a psychic, or astrology chart REALLY tell you if you're going to be married?

In my experience, the answer is YES. And not only is it yes... I truly believe that each of us has a purpose, and a plan that is pre-ordained to some degree when we come into this world. Finding love... or often, our 1 TRUE love, is often the core "mission" most of us are here to discover. (and unfortunately, so few of us TRULY do!)

But how can an astrology chart, or a horoscope, or a love psychic PREDICT when you are going to fall in love or get married?

I'll give you an example from my own life. I had a reading done years ago where the psychic not only described the person I'd end up with, she also described the person my PARTNER at the time would end up with as well...

And the ironic thing is... we got the reading together!

(and after 10 years of relationship as well)

Essentially, this psychic could see that he and I were not right for each other right away. But, and this is the amazing thing, she also knew who WAS right for each of us, saw them in our lives, and then basically told us both how and when we'd meet them. (and described each in great detail)

Different love advisors use DIFFERENT tools and techniques to help uncover your authentic plan.

Some look to the "Universe" for guidance. (like your astrological chart, for example)

Others read your aura, or your emotional energy. (something I prefer, and have learned how to do very successfully myself)

And others just SEE what you already know, or intuit on your own... but don't yet acknowledge. (and this is the most important element of them all, that we each KNOW whether we're going to get married, or have children or meet our soul-mates, but we don't trust our own intuition enough to see it)

A good reader can do that for you.

And, often FAR faster than you can imagine!

The easiest way to find out what your romantic future looks like?

Ask! The answers are often far closer, and far easier to extract then most will ever believe. Far too many people are skeptical, or cynical of so much that later turns out to be true. Opening yourself up to the magic... and the mystery and the majesty of living your dreams often starts with a simple question! (it did for ME, and if you truly want to know where your soul mate is, I hope it does for you as well)

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to Find Your Soulmate ......Without Having to Have Your Heart Broken EVER again!

(The Psychic Secret to Finding EVERLASTING Love )

Someone I Loved

It was a clear day. I was just sitting alone in my school playground. I was happy to be alone, as it became my habit to be so. I heard a slow sound becoming clear to my ears. It was the sound of the leaves, which was created by someone who was coming closer and closer to me.

I ignored, as everyone among my classmates knew that I liked to be alone so I was not expecting anyone. But after a few seconds I saw a shadow bending towards me and a hand was on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to see that who was there. That person was one of my classmates, he was the only one who was with me from 1st standard.

Now, we were in 8th standard but during such a long period we never spoke even a single word with each other. His name was Kunwar, as per the meaning of his name he was like a prince. He had his own principles as well as values. I was surprised to see him, as I never expected him to be standing too close as he was at that moment.

He politely asked me: "Can I sit with you, please?" I answered: "Yes, sure"

We both sat with each other for 10 minutes but there was nothing between us except silence. Then suddenly he looked at me and asked me: "What do you feel about me, I mean what do you think about me?"

I stared him for some time as I didn't know what to answer, then I answered: "I think you are a good person, I mean to say a perfect human being. You are a responsible person too."

After hearing this he asked me: "Then can I take your responsibility?" It was clear to me that what was the meaning of his question but still I replied: "I am not clear with your question."

On this he stared deep into my eyes, I felt that his eyes were saying that they want to see me always and a kind reflection just touched my heart through his eyes. I was not able to say heart beats....I was able to hear them, they became so loud.

After some time he started saying: "I don't know why but from the day I came to know about a feeling for a girl, I can only feel for you. You are in my eyes like my sight, in my heart like my heartbeats, your feelings run throughout my body like blood. I don't know why I like you but I am unable tell you that how much I love you."

I was so much shocked at his words. I thought that the guy who never spoke to me is telling me that he is in love with me. I was not ready to believe his words thinking that all guys say the same thing, but my heart was not ready to ignore his words.

I was so confused within me and I was not able to reply him. He then came close to me again, stared into my eyes...they went so deep in my hands were in his and he whispered: "Believe me, I am your truth, your faith, your friend and if you allow I will be your love. I don't want your permission to make you my love. I will wait for you hoping that you are only mine."

Then he slowly moved away from me and after walking a few steps away he turned around looked at me and gave a very sweet and pleasant smile. I felt that his smile was saying to me: "Don't be confused dear, allow me in life and see the changes".

After that particular moment every thing was normal as usual, he became as he was before. Neither did he looked at me nor did he spoke to me. The abnormal situation was mine. I was only thinking about him, I found him in my breath, thoughts, and even in my eyes. I was surrounded with his pleasant smile. I was not aware of anything.

Next day my eyes wanted to see him, they were only searching him.But he was not anywhere in the school. Days passed but I could not see him as he stopped coming to school after that day. I was worried so much. After 1 week, a very sweet lady came to our school and she was searching me. I went to her.

She asked me: "Are you the girl named, Rekha?" I replied: "Yes I am but why?" She replied: "I am Kunwar's mother, he is not feeling well as he had an accident last week and he wasn't in his senses. Today, when he came to his senses he asked me to call you and so I want you to come and see him." On this I asked if I had no feelings for him: "But why me?"

She replied: "Because he loves you very much. He told me every thing, he used to tell me how you looked each day, what you did, what you ate. So I know how much he loves you. I want that you come just for once and tell him that you are with him."

After talking to her I started thinking that my heart was right. He really loves me and I can have full faith on him as I have for myself. I went there and saw that he was so happy to see me. I went to his room with red roses, on seeing them he asked: "Do you know what does red roses symbolises?"

I replied: "Yes, I do.... Love." He asked me again: " Are you sure you want me as your love?" On this question I replied again: "Yes I want only You as my love.... now you are my truth, faith, friend, love and life. You don't need any permission from me to be my love as I feel we are made for each other. I feel like I got my true love so I am a successful person as it is not easy to get true love in this world."

This was my story about how I got my true love. That was a bond of faith and love, which kept us closer for five years. He was a harsh bike driver and so did it took him apart from me in another accident, leaving me alone in this cruel world. He is not here but his love is with me always. I really love him.

" Marriage is not the destiny of all Love stories"

To Hell With True Love, I Want Friends With Benefits!

Friends with Benefits is Hollywood's second installment of 2011 on substituting casual sex for a real love relationship. A Screen Gems release scheduled to hit theatres on 22 July, the film stars Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. The movie comes on the coat tails of Paramount's No Strings Attached starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher released in January. In addition to the two movies, a new NBC sitcom Friends with Benefits is scheduled to premiere on August 5. Is Hollywood trying to proclaim 2011 as the year that America finally comes to grips with the sexual revolution? It has been over forty years since the "summer of love", yet this year's Hollywood propagated casual sex theme seems vaguely familiar. Maybe Timothy Leary and the rock opera Hair were on to something in the sixties. Not!

The term "friends with benefits" was coined ten years ago, around the turn of the century. It originally referred to college and high school teenagers practicing casual sex without the commitment of a love relationship. Often applied to oral sex acts between teenagers of the day, the phrase also carried a generational rebel yell in response to the cultural pressure to practice safe sex. Although the term may be trendy, coming of age young adults have explored their sexuality since we donned the first loincloths, so the concept is any thing but new.

In the context of the movie, the casual partners are adults not sexual neophytes learning about the mystery of sex; and therein lies the lie. When applied to sane, sober adults Friends with Benefits is simply not desirable. It is a good bet that one of the partners is lying about their emotional and intellectual disconnection, and secretly desires something more. It is impossible for the average human to separate the instinctual level of mind from their perceptual and conceptual levels and participate in repetitive, mechanical sex with the same partner without developing emotional and/or intellectual ties. I would like to meet the adult woman and man who could share carnal knowledge on a regular basis where neither develops a true love fantasy about the other. In a random poll of 50 men and 50 women between the ages of 21 and 40, not one person stated that they would prefer a "friends with benefits" relationship over true love. Giving the devil his due, the contrived, predictable plot line of the movie reflects reality as the casual sexual partners eventually develop feelings for each other.

Unfortunately, many of us may relate to the title of the movie for a different reason and associate the idea of "friends with benefits" to the emotional and intellectual disconnections of our own failed love relationships. We can recall turning to familiar sex as an attempt to cope with relationship discourse. As the movie illustrates, sex is a poor substitute for true love and only provides a fleeting reprieve from the sources of disconnection and frustration. It is common for couples in a troubled relationship to employ the "friends with benefits" strategy in order to recapture the infatuation of their early throes of romance. Although a great idea, without the knowledge to achieve real emotional and intellectual growth, sex by itself is usually not enough to save the relationship.

Here is the good news. If you are like most mentally healthy and not chemically dependent adults and looking for true love versus "friends with benefits," it may be easier to find than you think. The balanced instinctual, emotional, and intellectual connections shared between love partners, true love, is the pinnacle of love relationships. In order to achieve an enduring true love there are only two requirements. First, a strong mutual physical attraction must exist between partners. Second, both partners must be willing to grow by valuing each other's emotional and intellectual behaviors.

Be mindful of the implied assumption of a mutual physical attraction because this is not always the case among adults. Some adults are fully capable of entering a love relationship devoid of an instinctual physical attraction to their partner, but openly proclaim attraction through words. Commonly referred to as trapping behavior, the reasons include dating fatigue, gold, gospel, glory, convenience, and sex. These love traps can be the cruelest of true love buzz kills because they frequently involve a lesser partner relationship. That is when one partner has a strong physical attraction and the other is a friend receiving benefits. If your love relationship is devoid of a strong mutual physical attraction, it is a safe bet that at some point, one of you will be looking for something more.

Growth through valuing our partner's feelings and thoughts sounds easy but isn't. Many of us will spend our lives seeking the comfort of a "compatible" love partner or settling for a "friends with benefits" arrangement in order to avoid this mental growth. We cause relationship friction when we think in terms of right and wrong. If we open up the options from only right and wrong in a given area to accept that there are other methods, approaches, points of view, behaviors, etc.... that are not necessarily wrong, just different, then we can feel safe exploring our partners behaviors. Providing a safe mental environment for our partner to do the same is essential for the connections of true love to form.

When the connections of true love are established, they blend these levels of mind in the now through enjoying the physical, creating a balanced emotional state, and expanding conscious horizons for both individuals. This promise is why we try so hard to find true love or attempt to reestablish it when it goes missing. Friends with Benefits may provide entertainment at the box office but as a life style it just doesn't stack up to the real thing.

2 Unusual Ways to Find LOVE (And the Strange Way I Learned My Man Was NOT The "ONE")

Who else is still looking for love? Are you in a relationship today that doesn't feel quite right? Do you get up in the morning with an uneasy feeling that the man in your life is simply "wrong" for you in ways that you can't quite capture with words? Or maybe you ARE in fact in love... desperately in love, with a man who doesn't quite return the same level of commitment, or emotion as you?

Regardless of your reasons, the simple truth is, MANY women find ourselves unhappy with our romantic relationships. As a matter of fact, one recent study suggested that of women OVER 40 years old who had been married for more than a decade, about 50% were "certain" they had picked the wrong partner.

That is a pretty scary statistic. Especially when you combine it with the fact that we know that many relationships are built on lies, and secrets and that many seemingly happy couples are doing things behind the scenes that their partners are NOT aware of.

The truth is, when it comes to finding true love, you CAN narrow your odds considerably that the man you find IS in fact the right one for you.

As a matter of fact, while this may sound "weird' or "New Age", the KARMA of connection is a true thing. Each of us has a soulmate, or a spiritual partner. And your destiny, your HOPE and your happiness are much more intertwined with how "smart" you are about finding them than you realize!

Here are 2 very simple techniques that anyone can try, that CAN help you find true love.

1 - Understanding the Aura of Amore'

Each one of us has an energy body. An energy that is "visible" to sensitives and psychics and intuitives (and even many machines) that can be read, understood or interpreted. Science is studying this today, under the guise of "quantum energy" or "subtle energy" or even the idea that thoughts can heal and affect physical things.

The truth is, psychics and empaths have been saying this for YEARS. That the body has an energetic component that reflects the physical vibration. And LOVE has the most powerful vibration there is. Your aura, while connected in relationship to your soulmate, or authentic spiritual partner, vibrates in a way that a good empath can see, recognize and read!

2 - The Astrology of Love

I believe that the universe wants you to be happy, and that it "knows" who holds your true path to happiness. There is ONE person for each of us, and I truly believe that a love astrological reading can change your life in ways you can't imagine, even if you're skeptical, until you have it done! (my OWN life changed forever when a tarot reader, during a couples reading, told both myself AND my partner that we were destined for other lives and other loves... and that our decade long relationship was destined to end)

It did - we did, and I found out thereafter that he was cheating. (on a subsequent call with the same psychic) It all turned out not only to be TRUE, but the biggest blessing my life has ever known! (as I'm happy, healthy and in TRUE love today!)

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to Find Your Soulmate .......Without Having to Have Your Heart Broken EVER again!

You Deserve to Find True LOVE .....Today!

Together Forever, A Love Story - They Loved Their Neighbors As Themselves

Two friends; a man and a woman, were suddenly awakened as most were in that small city; to the terrifying sounds of buildings tumbling into ruins, and terrible groaning from deep within the earth. The long predicted earthquake had struck the unprepared valley city.

The man and woman were quickly caught up in the race to escape the disaster. They grabbed their survival packs and a couple of other items and took to the streets; such as they were. There was no time to lose, everyone who could, was scurrying to and fro in an effort to escape the wrath of destruction.

The friends, a couple, made their way out of the rubble as quickly as they could and were aided in the process by the fact that they had lived close to the edge of the little city. Soon, they were on their way up the side of a hill which would lead to higher ground. This higher ground would take them away from the city and on to safety. Many people were not so fortunate. They were in one way or another, trapped in this city, not knowing how to get out and being unable in some cases, to make the journey alone.

The couple were fortunate in another way as well, for they loved to hike and knew well, the path to get to the next level of safety. They were very familiar with the way up, for they had gone this way numerous times after finding that most paths end at insurmountable cliff faces at one point or another. Their love of the outdoors had really paid off for them now.

Within a short time, they were at the top of the hill and prepared to continue away from the city and on to greater safety. No one else had made the journey with them. Most people had made some preparations for the inevitable earth quake; but, who ever really thought it would happen to them?

The couple paused now for a moment, thankful they had made it out alive. The thought came, to offer a prayer to give thanks for their blessings. Their lives had been spared. Their preparations had paid off.

After the prayer, the two of them felt a great peace. The fear had left them and then... suddenly, the sounds which had eluded them in the panic to escape, now became audible to their ears. There were cries and rumblings down there still.

They reviewed the facts. I hope these people make it out too, one of them said and the other agreed. But, how will they find this path? A few may find it by accident. Most will go on some path that seems good but, as we know, will lead to a dead end. This path looks rugged at the beginning; but, is the only true way up the hill or mountain as we like to call it. If we go back, we might not make it out. We are together now. We are safe. We deserve to be safe. We were more prepared. It isn't our fault!

They both realized at about the same instant that they could not leave the others behind. There were risks and they knew it. Being familiar with the area, they quickly stowed their gear away behind some small bushes next to a large bolder. It would be there when they returned. They carried back with them a first aid kit, a couple of water bottles, tied to straps and slung over their shoulders and one other necessary item.

Their hikes had taught them that when they would go into areas with which they were at risk of getting lost, they had to mark their trails so that they would be able to find their way back. In this case, they knew this path well; but, since others did not, the couple took their rolls of florescent green and orange plastic ribbon. So as they went back down into the depths of what appeared to be hell on earth, they marked the trail by tying pieces of the ribbon to the trees and shrubs and even to a few small rocks along the way. The plastic is perfect for that purpose. A person can easily break off a piece and tie it to a tree branch or around a small stone etc. and can later see it from some distance away.

When they got close to the city, they strung the rest of their ribbon in two long lines between some trees with green on one side of the path and orange on the other with the ends closest to the city taken out to the sides quite widely to give a funnel like appearance and to make the entrance more visible to others who might make this journey. They looked like streamers one might place around an outdoor party. Today there was no party however.

It took about fifteen to twenty minutes to get back into the city; what was left of it. The rumblings had subsided somewhat and chaos reigned in the area. It was impossible to make their way very deeply into the city, for the ground had opened up into deep caverns. Those living in the north end of the city were making their way to the edge of the ruins and were groping about, looking for where to go next. Of those who would escape that day, most had already left the city. Few could now be found as they had gone off in search of a way up the hills since the roads were impassible and driving was not an option, and staying in any part of the valley was thought to mean certain death as the quakes continued.

The couple set about directing as many as they could find, to the plastic streamers they had set up. There are many paths in the area and the couple had been on most of them. The only one they had found that led to the top was the one they had just taken. In the past, they had not marked it for they knew it and it was for them, a wonderful secret. After all, it gave them a place to go to where they could enjoy the time alone where few would be able to disturb them. Most paths appear easy at first and turn rugged and impassible; but, this one is just the opposite. It looks too difficult at first and so, others would normally not go that way; but, once you get started, it turns out to be not too bad after all. Our secret... well, not for much longer.

Decision time. The couple know that time was short. They know that some are trapped and must be helped. He can help. There are also many who are on the wrong path and these people must be directed to the correct path. she can help. The only way to do this is to split up. The woman can warn others on the path while the man could go into the wreckage and help others to escape from the hell which has come upon them. Fear enters their hearts as the idea is voiced between them. The woman wants the man to come along with her, for she is not comfortable continuing the journey alone.

If others had desired to make the journey, then they would be here now, wouldn't they? She would be happy to help them if they had just shown up when the two of them did. But, time is short and we must save ourselves, she thought.

"We must go on together", she says and the man feels that he wants to keep her happy and feeling secure. He considers returning to the safety of the hill with the woman he so loves; but, something stops him. He knows that he must go back into the city.

At first, the lady had resisted his suggestion to separate. It was hard for both of them. They were all they had in a way. What else mattered? Who else cared? They could save their lives. Yet, they had to take the risk. They took courage again and recaptured their faith. They agreed that she would search the beginnings of the paths for those who would return from their dead ends to look for the right path and she would point the way to salvation. She knew that she had a role to fulfill and she knew that he did too. Each must fulfill their purposes here. She let him go; but, not without a kiss. "I know", she said, "sacrifices must be made". "I love you so much". "I love you too babe". On that note, they parted.

Many souls were saved that day because of the love and diligence of the two friends. They were able to free a number of people from the bondage they were in. Sadly, many would not accept the help which the man offered. They simply gave up and refused to help themselves. Some few did accept the help and climbed to safety. He helped all that he could.

The woman had even greater success as she directed others to the correct path. Surprisingly though, most of those she spoke to would not believe and they chose other paths which seemed easier or that held out a promise of a better solution for them.

The rumblings continued as she searched for lost souls. She is caught up in the moment and happy to be helping others to escape the danger. She was certain that her man was busily engaged in blessing lives too; although she did not realize that one cave-in had trapped him and another had taken his life.

The woman continued her work. There were few left to find now and yet, she would not leave until the man returned. Together, they would go to the place they had stowed their goods. Together, they would celebrate the victories over death and the saving of lost souls. Oh, how she loved him and he loved her. They had spent many a fine day together. Their lives had been filled with challenges and trials like many lives are; and yet, the peace and love and happiness made their lives so complete. As great as that is, there is nothing sweeter than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There can be nothing sweeter.

The ground shook more now and she knew that she should leave. She would not leave. She would stay until the man returned. Suddenly, the ground opened up and she felt herself falling...falling. In a moment, it was over.

Then, she felt a hand on hers. He was there; her man. He lifted her up as the Lord smiled down upon them. They had lost their lives in the service of their fellow man and in so doing, they had found their lives again. They were now united in a state of greater joy and happiness than they could otherwise have possibly enjoyed.

And so it is in this life that opportunity comes in strange and varied packages. Those who are prepared will win the day and step up to the challenges and assist others through them. Life is truly a blessing and is so enriched as we share our love and blessings with others. Love is meant to be shared after all and lives are there to be blessed. This is true opportunity and is the key to true success in life. For did not Jesus teach that the first two great commandments were to love God with all of our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves?

Had the two simply gone on to save their own lives, would they not have lost themselves? But, now, they sacrificed and took the risk and have found the greater joy in losing self lovingly helping others.

May this little story be a reminder to each of us to unselfishly love our neighbors whoever they are and where ever we happen to find them. God bless you.

Michael Dubeau is a Warrior for Success and Achievement in the lives of many. His direct approach with a genuine caring side assists others in conquering their Dreams and Achieving their Purposes in life. Read more at There you may leave your comments.

What Are Your Boundaries?

We all have them. Some to keep us in line. Some to keep others at arms length. What are yours for?

Think about our boundaries. We teach them to our children. "Don't get up in people's faces." "Don't touch your brother. Stay on your half of the couch." "Only go on group dates." "Don't loan money to your family and close friends."

These are basic boundaries we learn as we grow up. Of course, as we experience life, and cross some of these boundaries, testing the water, we lose some of them. What happens when life beats us down, smacks us around, and leaves us on the side of the road battered and bruised?

We end up with walls, not boundaries. Walls that keep those around us at arms length. Walls that keep us from making mistakes and choices we fear are wrong. Walls that keep in feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt. Walls that keep out freedom to be who we are meant to be, to set us free.

How can we get the walls to come down? Trust. In those closest to us. We all have warts that have grown over time. Those that love us, our dearest friends, have touched those warts and weren't afraid. They can help us take the walls down, slowly, one brick at a time. No judgment, no ridicule, no pity. Only tenderness, guidance and patience.

What happens when the wall blocks love from entering in? Can we survive? Can life be truly all it can be without the love of others? Trust. It's all we can do. And not let the world go by.

Follow me on Facebook,, and Twitter,, for the latest on my romance writing and blogs.

Giving Gifts Is Not the Same As Giving Love

In any kind of relationship, giving is the most important aspect for the relationship to last. There are many reasons why we give to one another in different ways. Giving is a way of showing how and what we feel. When we give, we let the person know that we are willing to share what we have and we let them know that we value them.

Giving does not only limit to people we know. We even give to people we do not know just to show them that we care or to the needy to show them that we are here to help. But giving does not limit to material things only. You can bring happiness to people by giving a helping hand. Sometimes a smile is more than enough to make someone feel better. Our smile can make a big difference to anyone who receive it. Giving a smile is the most rewarding feeling anyone can get without receiving any thing but an act of kindness. And we can in return feel it too when the smile comes back to us.

To keep a healthy relationship, giving gifts is not enough. We often think that when we give something to the a person, it is already enough to let them know that we care. Giving gifts is not the same as giving love.

We can present gifts to anyone we know, to people we hardly know or to people we do not know at all without the need of loving them. It is easy to give because this does not need us to feel or have emotional attachment to the person we are giving to.

Giving love sets apart from giving gifts because we can share gifts without loving and gifts can vanish or break while giving love is lasting. When we give love, we are giving ourselves to them. We are opening our hearts, our lives to them without thinking of getting back something in return. To manifest love is something that we let others know that they are important to us and we are here for them no matter what. If we love, giving is so easy. Loving is the most amazing gift we can share without expecting to receive love back.

When we love, we are giving the most priceless gift anyone can receive. This is something that we cannot buy or find anywhere nor can we borrow or ask for.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ask a Psychic - What Does a Love Compatibility Coach REALLY Do? (Weird But TRUE!)

Do soul-mates really exist? Can you really get a psychic love reading that helps you discover your true spiritual partner... or is that all a bunch of bunk? And how can anyone really predict love compatibility at all... isn't that someone that needs to be figured out between two people, over the course of many years?

Any of these questions sound familiar? The truth is, the #1 reason why MOST people seek psychic advice is for matters of love, lust and relationship counseling. As a matter of fact, by some estimates, there will be over 1 million telephone readings done in 2011... JUST for love advice alone!

So how does it all work? Let me give you the straight scoop... immediately below!

1 - Most love readers work by doing an aura or energy assessment. While it may sound "weird" to those of you who have never had it done, most intuitives believe that LOVE has a strong aura, and a vibrational frequency which can be read, interpreted and understood... EVEN at great distances.

Sound strange? It shouldn't! Scientists today are studying all sorts of energy in lab settings - and energy healing and learning about the connections between PEOPLE, at great distances is amongst the most exciting areas of them all. (like the love and bond between twins, or children who have been given up for adoption who "gravitate" to small towns many years later where it turns out, one of their parents live, etc)

2 - LOVE is the strongest emotion of them all. As a matter of fact, most good love psychics (or emotional intuitive as they prefer to be called) can see, and FEEL the energy of true love between people. Most describe the vibration of "NEW LOVE" to be very strong, and have a fire red color around it. Others describe a more subtle but stable color of happiness, and contentment and commitment around couples who have been together a while. No matter what you believe, most good love psychics claim they can see "soul mates" or spiritual partners through simply listening to the voice of one of the people in the relationship... and often, unfortunately... even predict breakups or scandals LONG before they happen. (as evidenced by several of the high profile readers who predicted some of the recent sexual scandals we've all read about in the news over the last 12 months)

The truth is, it's okay to be skeptical, or not believe in soul mates at all. But before you write it off completely... set aside 20 minutes, and speak to a certified love psychic, either face to face, or on the phone. It's an experience that CAN change your life... and if you are lucky, help you discover that ONE person destined to be yours... from the very beginning! (and there is NOTHING better in life than that!)

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to Find Your Soulmate....... Without Having to Have Your Heart Broken EVER again!

You Deserve to Find True LOVE..... Today!

Is He Perfect?

He isn't perfect... oh darn, now what... do you try and mold him into perfection or do you take a look at your own thoughts on perfection in a partner?

Is it really about perfection or finding the perfect partner for you? In seeking out a partner be very aware as to exactly whose perfection you are using as guidelines in your search. Is it medias idea of perfection for you or is it who you deem as perfect for you. Confusing isn't it? It can be if you are blinded by anything other than your own thoughts and idealism.

Each gender shares the same misconceptions when seeking out a partner....he/she must be perfect.

Funny how we as human beings secretly and even subconsciously seek that perfect partner. What trips us up in this desire is that the partner we are seeking is not actually a perfect species in themselves, but that they are a perfect species for us.

Speaking for women... I feel that we have our own innate desires and needs when searching for our partners. However, if we can keep in mind a few very valuable thoughts... we will not fail in finding him.

First and foremost, realize that... he is not perfect... neither are you, nor will the two of you ever be perfect.

However if... he can make you laugh at least once, cause you to think twice, admit to being human and apologizes freely, then hang onto him and give him all of you that you can.

He may not quote poetry, bring you flowers each day, he may not think about you every second, but he will give you one of the most delicate parts of himself, all knowing that you could easily break it... that being his heart.

Your goals will be in not hurting him, analyzing him, changing him, or expecting more of him than he can give. They will be in, giving him a smile when he makes you happy, yelling at him when he makes you mad and letting him know that you miss him when he is not there. Also.. love him deep when he is in need, hug him with all of your strength and listen when he needs to speak. Most of all remember this... no man is perfect, but there is a man that is perfect for you.

Simply put, one cannot be perfect alone.

Keep Your Relationship Alive - Flirt With Your Partner

Many couples complain that, as time passes, their relationship is not what it used to be anymore. This is because at the beginning of a relationship both partners flirt and this keeps their interest awake. Nobody says that this has to end once you move in together or you get married. Flirting with your partner or husband at all times and even in the most unexpected situations will keep your relationship alive. The key is to constantly keep him interested in you and to always make him think about you.

Make sure you feel like you are at a first date each time you go out. Other couples will sure envy the sparkle in your relationship and will want to know the secret. Here are some proven tips to revive your relationship and boost the passion in your marriage:

Revive the Passion and Save Your Relationship

No matter how busy you are, you can sure find a few minutes to draw his attention. Give him clues of what's going to happen tonight, in your bedroom. Send him an e-mail during the day with a few words that sound like an invitation for tonight or with a picture that brings back memories. Make sure everything is decent and subtle. He will sure know what's on your mind.

Surprise him with revealing some erotic thoughts when he least expects it. For instance tell him about a dream or a fantasy you had while he does something absolutely ordinary like washing the dishes. He will sure keep that in mind for the entire day and he will eagerly wait for the night to come.

Tease Your Partner and Flirt with Him

Tease him constantly and make sure he knows what's on your mind while you are out. Some innocent kissing games when he comes to pick you up from work never hurt. Make sure no one sees you. The fact that you are having dinner after work doesn't mean that you can't dress provocative. Wear something sexy underneath your office clothes and let him know this.

Make Him Want You More Than Life Itself

During dinner maintain constant physical contact with him. Touch him "accidentally" and also draw his attention on your body. Bite your lips sensually or play with your hair. Keep in mind that everything needs to be subtle. Don't be too obvious because men don't like this. He should read your intention through the lines and he should only receive hints on your plans together. If you have a surprise for him, like a weekend getaway or something, don't spoil all the mystery. Leave some details to his imagination and play a little mysterious woman.

Keep Your Man Interested in You

Don't only focus on hints and clues while you are at dinner. Keep the conversation going and introduce some teasers from time to time. It's important that you two talk a lot. Otherwise you'll realize at some point that you bore each other. It's not very important what you talk about. Everything that interests you both is good.

Surprise Your Partner and Set a Positive Tone to Attract Him

It's important to always surprise your partner even if you know each other for long. Ask him to choose you a suitable outfit for your next date, from underwear to mascara. He will be surprised, but he will also enjoy the fun experience. Come up with surprises or out of the ordinary things as often as you have the occasion. None of you will get bored this way and you'll always have something new in your relationship.

Love games can also revive a relationship. Go out on a date and pretend you don't know each other, for instance. Go to a party together and act as strangers that are irresistibly attracted to each other. There are plenty of things you can do to revive your relationship. Flirting isn't the attribute of young couples. Married partners can also enjoy it from time to time.

For the best online dating tips and advice, check out Here you will find a wealth of information on dating and relationships. Unlike other websites, Super Love Tips is updated every single day with original articles on how to improve your relationship, find love, overcome divorce and approach the person you are interested in.

My name is Andra Picincu. I am a professional freelance writer, editor and web marketing consultant. I have been offering quality services for over four years. From SEO article writing and blog writing to business writing, social networking and web content development, I am able to write on virtually any subject. To find out more about my services, check out

Discover a Great Way to Experience the State of Being Love Now And In The Future

As you have made the decision now or at some point in your past to move towards the more empowering state of being love, you probably already have experienced especially powerful moments of intense love.

No doubt about it, all it takes is a glimpse at the state of being love for you to realize that this may indeed be a state that you want to get into more and more often.

That's why you will be glad to know that recalling and reliving any of those experiences of LOVE that you have already experienced is a great way to begin to get in touch with that experience.

In fact, if you were to try and experience the state of BEING LOVE without using your previous experiences of LOVE then you might find your journey to be a rather challenging one and that's okay as well since there is no right or wrong way for you to enter into a state of BEING LOVE.

One of the most effective ways to recall and relive the times that you have experienced LOVE in your life is by thinking about the times that you have experienced BEING LOVE in your mind and then write them down.

What that means, is right now, I want you to go and get a Notebook (or the notebook you already have used for the other practices of BEING LOVE) and write on the top of one of its pages the following...

"Times I have Truly Experienced LOVE"

Once you have written that, simply close your eyes and let go of any thoughts, worries, or tensions as you sit in a comfortable position and allow yourself to feel any of the experiences of LOVE that come to mind.

As these experiences of LOVE rise and fall from your mind begin writing them down on your paper and if you should find that an especially powerful sensation of LOVE should rise into your awareness allow yourself to feel and re-experience it fully before writing it down.

If some of your previous experiences of LOVE should rise and fall out of your awareness before you actually get chance to write them down, know that that's okay as you can always come back at any time to add to your list of times that you have truly experienced love.

Hopefully by now you have begun to realize that this practice actually has done two things for you.

First: It allowed you to experience the State of BEING LOVE right now in this moment.

Second: It has given you access to a pathway to the state of BEING LOVE that you can use at any time simply by opening up your notebook and recalling many of your previous experiences of LOVE

And as if that wasn't enough you can also continue to build on this list whenever you choose to which means that you will be creating an even stronger pathway to the state of BEING LOVE more and more each time you do so.

Last but not least, if you are seriously interested in living in a state of BEING LOVE more and more then you will be glad to know that the practice of Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective tools that you can use to create a pathway to the State of BEING LOVE whenever and wherever you want.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

Join Thaddeus aka Yogi Big Love in a state of Being LOVE at Now!

A Definition Of Love We All Can Give

Love is something that everyone on this planet not only needs to make them feel good, it is part of our survival. To keep this beautiful world we live in a place that is healthy for our survival love is the most essential ingredient. When there is love everything comes about so naturally.

So often we over complicate our lives and get way to in depth with how or why we love instead of just giving and receiving it. I want to share with you a definition of love that everyone is capable of and if we all starting seeing and giving it we would create so much more peace throughout the world.

Here Is A Definition Of Love.

Love is simply an emotion that we all need for survival as a race, it does not discriminate as we all need it in our lives like food, shelter,air and water. It is shared amongst people to keep them strong, as the saying goes only the strong will survive. Love does not only have to be shared with those you have sexual, family or religious ties with, sometimes the best love comes from kinship formed out of one basic thing that two people have in common.

So if one of the definitions of love is an emotion we need for survival, what is stopping you from giving more of it to other people? You can sit around for hours on end trying to justify who or why they deserve it or simply just give it as people come your way. Sharing love on a kinship level is what builds strength among us humans the more we do this the strength we create for people all around the world.

Now that we all have the ability to connect and interact globally, it sure has made it easier for people to share love from one side of the world to the other. That sure is awesome. A smile is love two people can share easily either in real life or on the internet.

The only barriers stopping people from receiving love is the barriers that they create by either lack of love for themselves or an unhealthy large ego. Both these can be fixed simply by becoming more aware of what your thoughts and actions are creating in your life.

Share a little love with everyone you meet and help humans gain the strength they need to not only survive but thrive in this world. I hope I have helped you understand a definition of love that will make it easier for you to reach out to others daily.

Angelene O'Reilly
Skype: angelene.o.reilly

Can I Have True Love And A Prenup?

This is one of the most difficult questions that I have ever been asked and it is not because I am not a lawyer, I'm not. It is difficult because my personal opinion on prenuptial agreements differs from the general requirements of a true love relationship. A prenuptial agreement or premarital agreement is a legal contract entered into prior to marriage or a civil union that typically outlines asset distribution in the event of divorce. Civilized governments from the time of the first priest kings have recognized certain rights and privileges associated with a state declared union including common property rights. In fact, the main reason for publically declaring the union through a marriage contract has historically been so that the state and everyone else can legally recognize and uphold these property rights.

A true love relationship requires only that both partners are honest, open and naked on any intellectual issue of opinion. So yes, you can have true love and a prenup. There may be a specific set of circumstances where a prenup might make sense. By way of for instance, a third-party controls the wealth in question and requires the agreement. If the partners discuss the prenuptial agreement upfront, all "lawyered-up" contents are disclosed and understood and both love partners recognize the agreement as equitable and beneficial there is no counter indication to a true love relationship. Unfortunately, my personal opinion is not as kind as true love when it comes to prenups.

At a time in the U.S. when many believe the divorce rate is nearing 50%, I can understand the pressure on an excessively wealthy individual to protect preexisting assets against the divorce trend. However, I also understand that a prenuptial agreement is simply a legal agreement declaring, "I'm not sure that you are the one." Maybe the real question should read, "Can I have my cake and eat it too". Perhaps the partner presenting the prenup for signature should take time away from their attorney and banker and spend it with their fiance until they are sure that they really want to get married. I have a new money-making proposition for the other partner's attorney. They could develop a rate card and historical compensation schedule for all the services rendered up to the point of marriage to be included as an amendment to the prenuptial agreement. It might look like this:

Service - Rate - Qty. - Compensation Due
Encouragement - 200 - 475 - $95,000
Compliments - 100 - 1,500 - $150,000
Nice to future in-laws - 500 - 110 - $55,000
Sex ? 1 ? of net worth

Do You LOVE Without Asking or Demanding Anything in Return?

In a moment, find yourself allowing the following words to sink in for a moment...

"Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return." Mazie Hammond

And as you allow these words to sink into your deepest states of your BEING see if you can begin to notice times in your past when you gave out of LOVE without asking or demanding anything in return.

What did it feel like when you gave out of LOVE without asking or demanding anything in return?

When you go back to that place or time what did it look like and in that moment and even in this moment now could you sense that you were giving out of LOVE or where you giving from some other place or space?

And as you continue to allow that feeling of giving out of LOVE to enter into your deepest state of BEING breath in and out of LOVE now and again.

While it may indeed be in your best interest to move more and more towards that place of giving out of LOVE in order to recognize the state of BEING LOVE it helps to be able to compare and notice the difference when you aren't giving out of Love.

That why, I invite you to recall a time from your past when you gave and demanded or asked for something in return. In fact recall a time when you gave and didn't receive what you were asking for or demanding.

What did that feel like?

What did that type of experience look like?

Even now, as you recall that moment in time can you begin to get a sense of the struggle, the discomfort surrounding that experience of giving and not getting what you were asking for or demanding in return.

Of course you can and that's why you can appreciate that moment for giving you the contrast and comparison you needed in order to recognize that giving or doing out of LOVE leaves a pleasant taste and feel that you can access at any time where doing to get LOVE leaves you in a state of frustration, dis-ease, and many other negative states.

And as you allow your mind to drift back into that experience of doing out of LOVE you might find yourself wondering what else you can do to experience the state of BEING LOVE more and more.

That's why you will be glad to know that the practice of Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that will drop you into the deepest states of your BEING which is where the state of BEING LOVE happens to reside. In other words, when you experience the practice of Yoga Nidra on a consistent basis you are actually creating a Pathway to BEING LOVE that you can access again and again in more and more empowering ways each time you dive in.

Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.

The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

Join Thaddeus aka Yogi Big Love in a state of Being LOVE at Now!

Does My Husband Love Me? Here Are The Questions You Should Know

If you feel like recoiling from your relationship due to some reasons, you should call your acts together before another woman gets the man who is rightfully yours. It is understandable that you ask the question every other woman on earth always asks; that of - "does my husband love me?"

This is nothing new especially for women who have just married recently. What happens is when the husband seems quiet for a while; the women take it as there is already something wrong in the relationship. To avoid acting this way and feeling like your husband is always out to cheat on you, make sure you read this article from top to bottom. In the end, you will realize the benefits of doing so.

Is Your Husband Receiving The Kind Of Care He Needs?

You see, to have found such relationship with the person you love is not a simple task. For this, you will need to take care of your partner when you know you have finally found the one. That way, you will not be forever stuck to that phase of always having to find "Mr. Right" or perhaps leaving one marriage after the other. Keep in mind that for as long as you take care of your husband, he will have no reason to look for love elsewhere.

What Does Your Husband Do For You?

"What is essential is invisible to the eye." It may sound like a very old cliche, yes, but it holds true. Surely, you know how difficult it is to find a person who will truly and everlastingly love you for who you are and what you do. Keep in mind that it is never about what good people can see about your husband because it is what you feel he is doing for you that is of greatest importance.

Do You Remain His Priority?

Try to observe if your husband's caring for you has not waned at all. Oftentimes, a husband who begins to lose the love he once had for his wife ends up not caring anymore or perhaps showing little concern over what you do.

For as long as your husband has not changed with how he treats you, then there should be no reason for you to be worried about whether he still loves you or not. Before you start asking questions like "does my husband love me?", it would be best to first ask yourself if you are giving everything that your husband needs. For after all; the wife is supposed to pamper the husband in every way that she can.

Do You Sense Some Coldness In Him?

Finally, pinning down the answer to your question"does my husband love me?"will still boil down to how he acts towards you. Is he the intimate husband you know in bed? Or has he finally changed to some other man you do not know? Does he still call you with the term of endearment you have grown used to or not anymore? For as long as you do not see any major change sin how he deals with you, then it is most likely that there is no reason why you should be asking the question, "does my husband love me?"

What If, no matter what your love life is like now - even if there's no man at all, or the man you have is pulling away and you feel alone, scared and angry - you could change everything, practically overnight?

You can! And all it will take is a few simple shifts in your words and body language to connect to a man where it counts... through his heart.

Discover the secret from my friend: Rori Raye: What makes a relationship WORK between a man and a woman, and how to improve any relationship, regardless of how many bad feelings there are right now. Visit her site now at

Finding The Girl Of Your Dreams (And Keeping Her)

Although there are many things in life that are important to us, one of the most crucial to a lot of people, is finding a girl you love and that will always love you back, even in the worst of times as well as the best of times.

To some people, this may seem impossible, but rest assured, there is someone out there for everyone because this is the very reason why there is approximately a 50:50 ratio of men to women on this planet, meaning that there are around 3 billion of each currently on Earth.

The key reason why a lot of people on Earth are currently single is because of the increasing popularity of the Internet and not actually going out and meeting new people as much. Online dating does exist, but is nowhere near as effective as actually going to real places that are not virtual in nature.

Also, it would seem that the best way to find someone is to go on a night out with a large group of friends, the larger the group the better, as there will be a good chance one of them will be single, and therefore available.

There are, of course, other good ways to meet people, i.e. through a workplace environment or in college, if you are lucky enough to still be around 17 or so. It is important to remember though, that no matter how old you are, the possibilities of you finding someone are endless, so it is vital to never give up hope when it comes to matters of love.

There are a few key factors that you should consider before dating someone:

Notice that I have deliberately missed out some obvious points here. This is because while these, such as looks, are important to some people, it is not the be all and end all of a relationship and people need to remember that when choosing someone to be in a relationship with.

The key thing to ask yourself before committing yourself to a serious relationship is the following:

Will you still want to be with them in years to come no matter what happens?

If the answer to the above question is yes, then you have found your match. If your answer to this is I'm not sure, I would not commit to anything serious until you are sure of this answer, as it will only cause problems in the long run.

Allowing A Love Relationship In

Are you one of those people who wants love but is afraid to give it? If your love relationships haven't been all you want them to be it's time to take notice of what you do to keep people away.

Explore what your motives are and why you cause yourself so much angst by holding yourself away from a lover. People often hold back because they're afraid of passionate love relationships and fear hiding deep in their heart makes it virtually impossible to give and accept love. Not wanting to be hurt, you do and say things you don't really mean and then wonder why no one ever loves you enough to stay around.

So often you search out your faults and make them obvious to your partner. After weeks, months, or years of trying to get through your junk, they throw up their hands in frustration and leave you weeping at the door, feeling like a failure once again.

You can change your behavior, but when this "I need you, please stay, I'll change" stuff doesn't pan out and you show by your actions and words you really don't want to change, people go away. No one likes that kind of rejection forever.

Find out why you are so afraid of love and earnestly begin working on yourself. Perhaps some counseling sessions are a beginning, get a journal and write about your fears and longings, explore how deep they go.

You can never change another person, but you can change yourself - if you sincerely want to. Become that loving person you have trapped inside, let your guard down, start to trust people, understand and know there will be bad times, every love relationship has them, it's part of life.

Your fears will vanish as you explore matters of your heart - were you abandoned when you were young; abuse of any kind (emotional, physical, or verbal) can be worked through or gotten rid of; set boundaries for yourself and your loved ones. You have the ability to change your life and banish your fears so you can embrace love.

In 1894, Mark Twain said: "Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."

Go into your inner being, find your dark side and throw out your hurts, smash your fears one by one.

Throw open the doors of your heart and let fresh air and cleansing light from a new moon wash away the pain of your broken, bruised heart.

Darlene is an expert in relationships - why they do or don't work and usually has a tip or two for making them work you play the 'relationship game' is what often allows you to win the prize - a happier life and a lot of friends. More articles on Everything Relationships can be found at

How to Fix a Relationship

Every relationship has its ups and downs, its rough periods. Even in the best of circumstances, there are difficult times. It's natural so don't beat yourself up if you're relationship doesn't seem like a Hollywood romance. The fact is that people change, circumstances change, emotions change...everything changes!

Over time, the natural ebb and flow of everyday life places incredible pressure on a relationship.

Almost unnoticed at first, you begin to think thoughts that had once been unthinkable. "I love him, but I'm not in love with him. Not anymore." "I'm not attracted to her, not like I was in the beginning." "Maybe if we separated for awhile..." The skies can darken in a hurry, and this can be a very scary time. Suddenly, the security of the relationship (one of the major advantages of long-term commitment) has vanished, and we're left with circular questions and a growing field of doubt.

Take heart, if you're in the midst of one of these dark times, then there is hope. Our thoughts and beliefs determine how we define our relationships, and the sunrise may be only a small shift away. If you and your partner survive these darkest of times, you may find your couple emerges with a stronger, more trusting relationship than you ever imagined possible. You've entered the next level of intimacy and commitment. The following tips may help you make it to your goal:

Clarify your expectations. Couples rarely take time to discuss how to handle the little things in life. What does romance mean to each of you? How will the finances be managed? How will you raise your children? What about religion? How do you feel and understand love? What hurts you? How will arguments be resolved? How will decisions be made? What do you need from your spouse, what does your spouse need from you? As tedious as it might sound, most of us probably never even verbalize these things for ourselves, much less our partners. So we go through our relationships, blindly feeling for the right way to love our significant other. After you take the time to answer these questions honestly, you'll have the beginnings of a map which, in time, will lead to a deeper intimacy, a more loving relationship, and better sex.

Fight fairly. Life and love are complex, and disagreements will come your way. Deal with them as they come, slowly rather than quickly. Leave the past in the past, and handle the current disagreement on its own. Do NOT bring up the hurts and disappointments from the history of your relationship. Those are different matters, and if they still needs to be resolved, it's best to bring them up on their own, not in the midst of a separate argument. Stay focused on the current issue and keep the personal attacks to yourself. Also, a top tip of relationship experts. If you're arguing, it's more likely that the discussion will be civil and calm if you're close to one another and can reach out to make contact every so often. Studies show that physical touch will help keep the temperature down and your relationship intact.

Face the problems that you have. Avoiding, neglecting, and hiding from reality will change nothing. In fact, it will often complicate the problem. If you're having problems with your finances, admit it, bring it out in the open. Once it's on the table, it will be much less disturbing, and more tangible so that you may better deal with it.

Honesty still is the best policy. Looking at yourself is probably the hardest part of the process because it's so easy to blame some external entity for our problems. Take a good look in the mirror. If your behavior-how you communicate, treat your spouse, or self-destructive tendencies-is undermining your relationship, taking responsibility for it is the first step to moving forward and rejuvenating your couple.

Be proactive. If you're waiting for your partner to take action before you begin, chances are you'll be waiting for a long time, and all the while, you're relationship will only spoil further. Take the initiative. Set the example and change your behaviors. Soon enough, your partner's behaviors will change in response.

Get to work rebuilding compatibility. Time unveils the differences between couples, especially when your relationship is in jeopardy. I know it can be tough when things look so grim, but seek out the common interests. Look for the good things, and, with enough time, they are sure to multiply. Back in the height of your relationship, what did you and your partner enjoy doing together? Going to the beach, the movies? Walking together at sunset? Playing board games?

It's always a great exercise to take a stroll down memory lane. Think back to the first moments of your relationship. What was it that first attracted you to your partner? What made you fall in love with him or her? Think back to these moments and get inside of them. See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel what you felt. It's possible to rekindle those feelings, to bring them into your troubled relationship.

Laugher is the best medicine for most serious situations so it's important that you keep your sense of humor. Your relationship is in trouble. Being angry and brooding will only make things worse. Laugh out loud as if you were a kid, unconcerned and confident. Things can get better and the more optimistic you are, the better.

Take a deep breath. I know that things look grim now, but trust that this is a natural part of the relationship cycle. Your couple can make it through this moment of upheaval and emerge on the other side, a stronger, more confident partnership.

Dennis is a happily married man, with years of experience in relationships and interpersonal communications. To find out more check out this site:

How To Get Your Husband To Love You Again: 3 Easy Steps Worth Taking

Are you wondering about how to get your husband to love you again? Perhaps you noticed him being different lately? Does he avoid meeting your gaze? Does it seem like there is no more connection between the two of you that every talking point you initiate end up being futile in the long run? Well, read this article and take advantage of the various tips and tricks that may be shared with you as far as making your husband love you once again is concerned.

1. Re-Ignite The Spark: Do Things You Used To Do Together

First and foremost, spend time to think about something that can bring a new meaning to the relationship. Make sure it is something that your husband will extremely like so that it will be guaranteed to ignite a spark in your marriage. This will surely be a good start of bringing back the romance that has lost its glow for quite a while now.

There are actually a lot of ways to do it and one of which is by doing the things he used to love doing with you. This will somehow bring back not just the happy memories you shared in the past but of course, the old feelings which eventually might just be the trick you need to rekindle his love and affection for you. Watch the last full show in your favorite movie house. Go to that one place where you both fell in love with the band performing, the cocktails and the ambience.

2. Initiate Communication: Do Not Tire Of Reaching Out

Another way of how to get your husband to love you again is to initiate communication in the relationship. This is actually the most indispensable ingredient of a healthy and successful marriage. Without it, you can be certain that the marriage is doomed to fail. But then, take note as well that communication is not all about talking to one another. You should also know what your husband feels or needs or how he thinks about a particular issue or concern. In that way, your relationship will not turn out a guessing game for both of you in the end.

3. Learn The Art Of Listening

You see, listening to your partner is also another way of knowing how to get your husband to love you again and you can be certain that it can truly help you make the relationship work. Oftentimes, the wife becomes too engrossed with her work or perhaps too busy with the children that she tends to neglect listening to the needs of her husband which becomes one of the reasons why eventually the marriage gets sour. So in order to avoid complications or misunderstandings in your marriage, make it a point that you attend to the needs of your husband before anything else. In that way, he will not feel that you are neglecting him.

In a nutshell, finding out about how to get your husband to love you again is not a difficult job after all. For as long as there is love, everything will surely come out naturally. Do not wait for your husband to file a divorce case against you before you will do something to work things out. After all; there may always be another woman lurking in the dark waiting for your husband to be free.

What If, no matter what your love life is like now - even if there's no man at all, or the man you have is pulling away and you feel alone, scared and angry - you could change everything, practically overnight?

You can! And all it will take is a few simple shifts in your words and body language to connect to a man where it counts... through his heart.

Learn the secrets from my friend: Rori Raye - a relationship coach, author, speaker and seminar leader. She teaches women simple and effective techniques for communication, confidence, and connecting with men that she used to turn her own miserable, empty love life into the glorious, two-decades-long marriage she has now. Visit her site at

A Golden Age Love Story

With a golden age about her, you would never know. She was so busy with her shovel and her trowel as I came upon her quietly working alone. She was making narrow walkways through her garden, placing bricks in neat, tidy borders, her day-dreaming drifting among the thorns and rose buds.

Planting, feeding - sowing, weeding, her flowers brighten everyone with her love in the sunshine of the hot, dry, dog-days of summer. Her pathways leading her where they may... a golden age offers choices that are hers alone.

A squirrel scampers down the trunk of the tree, curious, watching me gather blossoms for my table and a few for my friend needing to be remembered with happiness and beauty. She is startled by a garter-snake basking in the sun; it's surprised by her presence too, slithering away, it isn't anymore.

A pathway gently winds around her house, windows sparkling in the sunshine, the rays of which enter my heart. My love for her all these years beckons my constant return, much to my surprise.

There have been times I have come to her, lost and afraid, searching for the smile in her warm brown eyes, tears clouding mine. She is cherished as a precious gem, a glitter of delight as she offers comfort and concern with patience, understanding and fresh sweet rolls baked at dawn.

She has never met a stranger, everyone is her friend; she wants nothing more than goodness for everyone. There is wisdom in her knowing, her kindness never dims as she offers me direction, teaching me so much of life, about myself, about being a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend.

Her years are many and her temples turning gray, but her eyes still shine and sparkle - her calloused hands are strong, soft and gentle. In the fading sunlight, tiredness caresses her sun-browned face - each hour so precious because I don't know when she may be leaving. Until then, my love is with her all the more, my dear, gentle long-time friend, my mother-in-law.

And I watch him, who is always so giving but not always so quiet - giving his advice, he never seems wrong. His convictions, for sure, not generally mine, but usually somewhere close, slightly edging over my line.

Taking up his orange broom-handle walking stick, he gathers his dogs about him and steps through the gate with them scampering playfully about his slippered feet. He's never cross or angry, and you feel as though his wisdom could move mountains from the pathways before you.

I smile at his judgments, his criticisms, too much on some issues. At times I find myself questioning, "is his vision that much farther than mine?" He's always there as a loving reminder of what we have all meant to him, quick to tell us of his love as he hugs away our insecurities and fears.

As a grandpa he is wonderful, the sunshine in their tears. As a father, not always agreed with but the twinkle of mischief seldom missed as their eyes meet in mutual respect.

He has offered me solace, a smile, a hug when we've met; he calls me his daughter and I know that I am. A golden age has passed too quickly - I love him and honor him, this gentle, giving man, a life-long friend, my father-in-law.

Their fifty years of marriage, a life-time of many golden hours of happiness, occasionally over-shadowed by great sorrows, births and deaths, times of plenty and want, a whole lot of love taking them through the golden age.

They have provided a direct loving path for our family through our celebrations spent building traditions, offering lessons of learning, growing, sharing their love, friendship, kinship, and honor.

I salute your courage, your faith, the wisdom and love you give to one another, to each of us always. God bless you and keep you in His light and love forevermore.

A golden age this ~ your Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Darlene is an expert in relationships - why they do or don't work and usually has a tip or two for making them work you play the 'relationship game' is what often allows you to win the prize - a happier life and a lot of friends. More articles on Everything Relationships can be found at

Does He LOVE Me? 2 Weird Ways the Universe Wants to Tell You He Does! (No Bull)

Does he really love me? How can I be sure? And what are the signs he's the one? How can I tell that he's the one I'm going to spend a lifetime with... for better or for worse? With so many scandals in the news these days... it's no wonder there is a complete and utter panic in so many relationships... especially when it to is cheating, fidelity and the idea that each of us has a "soulmate" we were destined to meet.

Did you know that some studies show that over 75% of women believe in soul-mates or spiritual partnerships?

Strangely... only about 40% of men do!

And if you can't even trust that he loves you, how can you possible know for sure he won't stray, cheat or "trade up" when someone better or more interesting comes along?

The good news?

You CAN! And if you know what to look for....the signs that your man is "true" are FAR easier to see than you realize.

As an emotional intuitive, I not only believe that we are each born with a spiritual partner and special soulmate we are destined to be with, I also believe that the signs of TRUE love are there from the beginning... AND are obvious in ways that unfortunately most women miss!

Want to know what those 2 primary things are?

They may seem "out there" or new age, or silly to some, but if you believe in PASSION and purpose, and the idea that there is a PLAN to our lives, understanding these 3 signs is critical to meeting (and marrying) the man of your dreams.

1 - The Amore of Aura

Every good emotional empath, or love psychic/intuitive will tell you that TRUE love, has an emotional energy that can be read. Scientists now call this "subtle energy" and they use it to study healing, hope and happiness. Psychics call this an AURA, and it's actually visible to a sensitive from miles away... simply through the sound of your voice. (and every emotion has a corresponding color aura - from the darkness of depression to the fire red of PASSION to the deep blue of everlasting love)

2 - The Karma of Connection

Have a series of strange things conspired to bring you together? Did you meet in an unlikely way? Did everything that HAD to go right fall into place for you to be together? I believe that the universe conspires to bring people who are meant to be together into the RIGHT circumstances to make that happen and there is NO better sign than he is your soulmate and true spiritual partner, than when you understand that there are forces FAR greater than you that want this relationship to work!

At the end of the day, in my 20 years of researching "psychic connections" between couples - people who believe in fate, karma and intuition are FAR more likely to find their soul-mates, and true happiness than those that don't!

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to Find Out if He REALLY Loves You....... Without Having to Have Your Heart Broken EVER again!

(The Psychic Secret to EVERLASTING Love)

How To Make Him Love Me: Your 3-Step Approach To Get The Love You Want

So you ask yourself the questions every other woman on earth asks - that of "how to make him love me" but then you just cannot seem to find the answers that can help you. Really, having a partner is not as simple as it may seem. Too many times, hearts get broken, relationships fail; people go.

For these, it becomes essential to find the most efficient ways by which you will know how to make your partner love you with the kind of love that lasts. But then again, keep in mind that finding the ultimate solutions to your problem of "how to make him love me" is not an easy task to pull off. That is why make sure you pin down the tips that could be truly useful for you, make it a point that you implement them right away. Below are some helpful tips you may find useful as far as improving your relationship with your partner is concerned. That way, you can have the man you love chasing you like crazy anywhere you go.

Tip #1:

Set Up A Romantic Dinner With Your Husband

Make sure to set up a romantic dinner with your spouse. This has been an old technique used by women to make husbands feel special. Although it may be an old approach you can use to address your concern about "how to make him love me", you will be surprised at how such old strategy can work so well.

Tip #2:

Do Something Special For The Man You Love

Do the things he loves. Cook for him. Treat him to a nice restaurant where they serve his most favorite cuisines. Bring him to the massage parlor and let him relax while he gets his body massage. Or perhaps you can ask him to go with you and go to spa.

But then, take note that it is not only by spending a lot of money can you successfully do something special for your man. Watching a movie with him or perhaps simply lying down together, cuddling with each other as you both read each of your books is more than enough to make your husband feel special already.

Tip #3:

Be Friends With His Friends

Go out together with his friends. Some women do not like the idea of going out with the husband along with his friends. But then, you have no idea how doing it can bring excitement and happiness to your man's heart.

But then if you are not really sold to the idea of going out with them just so you can address your concern over your question ""how to make him love me"; especially that it matters to you that you are the only member of the female population joining them), then what you can do instead is set up a dinner and cocktail party in your home and invite all his friends over. That should be the final trick you need to make your man love you even more. Take heed of all these three tips and you will be surprised how you will not need to ask the same question you have asked yourself for many years now - that of "how to make him love me".

What If, no matter what your love life is like now - even if there's no man at all, or the man you have is pulling away and you feel alone, scared and angry - you could change everything, practically overnight?

You can! And all it will take is a few simple shifts in your words and body language to connect to a man where it counts... through his heart.

Discover the secret from my friend: Rori Raye: How to fix your relationship practically overnight - no matter how afraid of intimacy you are or he is, or what the relationship is like right now. Visit her site now at

Unique Wedding Dresses for Brides Who Love Frills

Nothing compares to a royal wedding when it comes to ratings. An estimated two billion people watched Prince William and Kate Middleton tie the knot on April 29th, 2011. If that number is accurate, that means that nearly one in every three people witnessed the royal wedding, either in person or on television. How does someone handle that kind of pressure...billions of eyes on them? Answer: She wears a killer dress.

Miss Middleton walked down the aisle in a stunning designer gown that cost around 40,000 dollars.

The dress was handmade by a top couturier, and it had all the bells and whistles. Lace applique, a nine foot train, and a shimmering silk ivory-tulle veil were only the appetizers. The world's most talked about gown was made from English Cluny lace and French Chantilly lace throughout the bodice and the underskirt. The actual skirt was composed of white satin gazar and was designed to resemble an opening flower. It will be put on public display this summer at Buckingham Place.

Few girls can afford to wear a dress like Kate's on their wedding day. After all, they don't have a budget of twenty million pounds. The average bride-to-be spends about a thousand dollars on her bridal gown. But costs are on the rise as more and more brides are requesting the little extras.

The term "no-frills" was first used to describe a dress that was rather plain. These gowns lacked ruffles, flounces and frills, of course. They were popular with brides of all social stations. Believe it or not, most wealthy women did not wear fancy or elaborate wedding gowns until fairly recently. Even royal brides wore dresses they had worn before.

The now traditional white wedding was created in 1840, when Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in an elaborate white wedding gown. The bridal industry has never been the same.

Most modern brides-to-be want the fairy tale. They want to walk down the aisle in a dress that has all the frills and furbelows it can carry.

The Little Extras

Men sometimes wonder why women want, even demand, unnecessary accessories. This goes double on the wedding day, when all these little extras really do add up. A simple, unadorned wedding gown can be purchased for only a few hundred dollars. But a designer dress with lace, ruffles and frills can go for thousands of dollars. So why do women want them?

Even though they can cost an arm and a leg, a gown with all the little extras screams femininity. When they are properly applied, these "unnecessary" accessories add elegance to an otherwise plain dress.

They can also be used to balance out or conceal problem areas for larger brides.

Accessories by Body Type

Frills and flounces are all over the catwalks lately. The bridal industry is booming and most of the top designers make wedding dresses. Of course, most modern brides don't fit into column dresses that were made for models. They have curves and they require dresses that flatter their slightly larger figures. Ruffles and frills are often used on these gowns.

Millions of American women carry extra weight in their hips, thighs, and backsides. When fitted for a formal gown, they are often described as pear shaped. The problem these women have is that most dresses do flatter their figures. They often appear bottom heavy in wedding photographs. Adding volume is really the only way to balance out problem areas and the easiest and most affordable way to do that is with ruffles.

A few ruffles or frills on the top half of a dress for a pear-shaped woman can create the illusion of balance. The only danger is overdoing it. One too many ruffles can and probably will make your dress look too complicated.

A Few Helpful Hints

Ruffles and frills work best on plain dresses.

An already ornate gown will look overdone if anything is added to it. When ruffles are added because of body type, the rest of the dress should be simple and clean. This includes other bridal accessories like the veil, the train and the shoes. Too much makeup, jewelry and a complicated coiffure can also detract from the dress.

It is always best to keep it simple. A plain gown with a few furbelows can complement almost any figure.

Where to go?

Ruffles and frills are almost always added to wedding dresses; they rarely come that way. Though the project is simple, it is rarely a good idea to do it on your own. Wedding gowns are expensive, and one misplaced stitch could end up costing a fortune. Experienced seamstresses are kept on staff at most bridal salons, boutiques and warehouses. They can handle all of your alteration needs.

Ruffles, frills, and flounces can be added to nearly any wedding gown by a professional seamstress. Find your favorite designs, replete with all the frills you desire now online.

Scott Payne is a freelance writer who writes about weddings and specific products such as wedding dresses.

What Makes Men Fall in Love?

After researching this subject "What Makes Men Fall In Love" I have come to the conclusion that men are just as complicated as women. And that most of the things that we do to attract someone of the opposite sex is just natural. If I had to sit down and plan how I was going to act to attract a man then I would probably give up. I mean, if it's something that you need to "act" to do, then eventually the act will disappear and he will be left with the natural you. Fortunately for us "what makes men fall in love" will come natural, especially when you run across a man that triggers your pheromones ( in Greek known as the "excitement carrier") and hopefully you will trigger his.

But there are some interesting data I found on this topic on "What Makes Men Fall In Love?" that I know you will find interesting. So keep on reading, I think you will be surprised to realize that a lot of these things are things that you do naturally.

First of all I discovered that men get butterflies in their stomach too! I would have never guessed! And that they really do desire to find someone to fall in love with. That it's not just all about sex. They have that nesting urge in them as much as women do, to just find that one mate to make a home with and to have children with.

So what attributes do women have that makes a man fall in love? From what I have discovered, men have four basic needs, and if he finds these qualities in you then his desire to be with you increase. I have included them below.

The Need To Protect.

Yes, men are wired to nurture. Nurturing and sheltering you from harm makes him feel like a Man. So, letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer to you, it will bring out that instinct to take care of you. So let him take charge on occasion, and be sure to thank him when he does. Here is a list of things that will bring out his superman, and make him feel good.

1. Give him a job to do or ask him for help with something, create opportunities for him to feel needed. And whatever you do don't control the situation, just sit back and let him be the superman.

2. Ask his opinion on so meting and listen. It makes him feel like you value his opinion and his brain.

3. Dress feminine. OK, you don't have to do this all the time, but on occasional it won't hurt. If you like to wear jeans then make sure your underclothing is sexy. Men love soft sexy clothes, they accentuate your feminine nature which ignites his amorous nature. But also on occasion wear his clothes, his shirt at night over you naked body is a real turn-on. His jacket when you get cold. These make him feel like you have chosen him over other guys.

The Need For Freedom

Men need to know that their male identity will still be there when they become attached to a woman. So, it's important that you let him know that you don't expect him to change, that you are not out to fix him. He needs to feel that you understand him and that his identity is safe. Here is a list of other things you can show him to make him feel safe.

1. Turn him down on occasion. It will make him feel more at ease knowing that your life isn't tied around him, that you have your own identity. It will also make him curious, and therefore pursue you more.

2. Share your own fears about commitment, it will make him feel more at ease and that your not out to get him. It will also open up some communication about how you both feel.

3. Change your appearance when you feel like it. Don't ask for his permission or approval. If you want to color your hair or wear a different shade of lipstick, then go for it. This lets him know that there is more then one side to you, which can be exciting.

4. Respect his space. Don't bug him about where he has been or what he does all day. Don't just show up at his door, rummage through his drawers or always checking his cell phone. Allow him his own space. His space is a symbol of independence, so respect it.

5. Appreciate him. Make sure to let him know that you notice the small things he does.

The Need To Shine

Yes, men can be just as insecure as women, even if they don't act it. And they need to know you respect and appreciate them, but they if you can make them feel better about who they are, well that's just a big plus, especially around others. So here are some tips to help you do that.

1. Make him laugh. Tease him about the little stupid things he does, or during the little ha ha moments, like when he falls out of bed during sex. Just try to keep things light and he will treasure you.

2. Be social and drag him along. Most men don't have a lot of social graces, so take the lead and be the social butterfly. He will appreciate you for it, in fact, he might take credit for it.

3. Be intellectual with him, take politics, play scrabble, chess. Men love the mental stimulation, and from his lady is twice as good.

4. Act like the grand prize when you are out with him, it will make him feel very manly.

The Need To Feel Comfort

Did you know there is a chemical (oxytocin) that floods the brain that helps develop attachment, or falling in love? And you know what else, you can help to release these chemicals by making him feel like the two of you fit together, that you are comfortable together. So here are some tips that will make him feel comfortable.

1. Let him see you bath, shower, or groom yourself. This will enhance intimacy, something that nobody else has privy to, just him. Make sure you don't do any of the gross stuff, like bleaching your mustache.

2. Cook together. We all know that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but food also spikes the oxytocin levels in him, these chemicals creates good feelings, which he will associate with you.

3. When grocery shopping, buy a few things that he likes, this will make him feel more at home when he comes over.

4. Take little cat naps next to him, or doze off in his arms, he will see you at your most vulnerable and trusting, and make him feel more protective of you.

So, that is what my research has taught me on "What Makes Men Fall in Love?" Basically it all comes down to chemicals and you being a woman and him being a man. But it doesn't hurt to know what makes us tick. Lord knows I could use all the help I can get on trying to figure out what makes men fall in love.

Now I know what to do and I hope you have a better clue. If you need more information on "What Makes Men Fall in Love?" You can find more information on Love and Relationships by going Here

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