Two friends; a man and a woman, were suddenly awakened as most were in that small city; to the terrifying sounds of buildings tumbling into ruins, and terrible groaning from deep within the earth. The long predicted earthquake had struck the unprepared valley city.
The man and woman were quickly caught up in the race to escape the disaster. They grabbed their survival packs and a couple of other items and took to the streets; such as they were. There was no time to lose, everyone who could, was scurrying to and fro in an effort to escape the wrath of destruction.
The friends, a couple, made their way out of the rubble as quickly as they could and were aided in the process by the fact that they had lived close to the edge of the little city. Soon, they were on their way up the side of a hill which would lead to higher ground. This higher ground would take them away from the city and on to safety. Many people were not so fortunate. They were in one way or another, trapped in this city, not knowing how to get out and being unable in some cases, to make the journey alone.
The couple were fortunate in another way as well, for they loved to hike and knew well, the path to get to the next level of safety. They were very familiar with the way up, for they had gone this way numerous times after finding that most paths end at insurmountable cliff faces at one point or another. Their love of the outdoors had really paid off for them now.
Within a short time, they were at the top of the hill and prepared to continue away from the city and on to greater safety. No one else had made the journey with them. Most people had made some preparations for the inevitable earth quake; but, who ever really thought it would happen to them?
The couple paused now for a moment, thankful they had made it out alive. The thought came, to offer a prayer to give thanks for their blessings. Their lives had been spared. Their preparations had paid off.
After the prayer, the two of them felt a great peace. The fear had left them and then... suddenly, the sounds which had eluded them in the panic to escape, now became audible to their ears. There were cries and rumblings down there still.
They reviewed the facts. I hope these people make it out too, one of them said and the other agreed. But, how will they find this path? A few may find it by accident. Most will go on some path that seems good but, as we know, will lead to a dead end. This path looks rugged at the beginning; but, is the only true way up the hill or mountain as we like to call it. If we go back, we might not make it out. We are together now. We are safe. We deserve to be safe. We were more prepared. It isn't our fault!
They both realized at about the same instant that they could not leave the others behind. There were risks and they knew it. Being familiar with the area, they quickly stowed their gear away behind some small bushes next to a large bolder. It would be there when they returned. They carried back with them a first aid kit, a couple of water bottles, tied to straps and slung over their shoulders and one other necessary item.
Their hikes had taught them that when they would go into areas with which they were at risk of getting lost, they had to mark their trails so that they would be able to find their way back. In this case, they knew this path well; but, since others did not, the couple took their rolls of florescent green and orange plastic ribbon. So as they went back down into the depths of what appeared to be hell on earth, they marked the trail by tying pieces of the ribbon to the trees and shrubs and even to a few small rocks along the way. The plastic is perfect for that purpose. A person can easily break off a piece and tie it to a tree branch or around a small stone etc. and can later see it from some distance away.
When they got close to the city, they strung the rest of their ribbon in two long lines between some trees with green on one side of the path and orange on the other with the ends closest to the city taken out to the sides quite widely to give a funnel like appearance and to make the entrance more visible to others who might make this journey. They looked like streamers one might place around an outdoor party. Today there was no party however.
It took about fifteen to twenty minutes to get back into the city; what was left of it. The rumblings had subsided somewhat and chaos reigned in the area. It was impossible to make their way very deeply into the city, for the ground had opened up into deep caverns. Those living in the north end of the city were making their way to the edge of the ruins and were groping about, looking for where to go next. Of those who would escape that day, most had already left the city. Few could now be found as they had gone off in search of a way up the hills since the roads were impassible and driving was not an option, and staying in any part of the valley was thought to mean certain death as the quakes continued.
The couple set about directing as many as they could find, to the plastic streamers they had set up. There are many paths in the area and the couple had been on most of them. The only one they had found that led to the top was the one they had just taken. In the past, they had not marked it for they knew it and it was for them, a wonderful secret. After all, it gave them a place to go to where they could enjoy the time alone where few would be able to disturb them. Most paths appear easy at first and turn rugged and impassible; but, this one is just the opposite. It looks too difficult at first and so, others would normally not go that way; but, once you get started, it turns out to be not too bad after all. Our secret... well, not for much longer.
Decision time. The couple know that time was short. They know that some are trapped and must be helped. He can help. There are also many who are on the wrong path and these people must be directed to the correct path. she can help. The only way to do this is to split up. The woman can warn others on the path while the man could go into the wreckage and help others to escape from the hell which has come upon them. Fear enters their hearts as the idea is voiced between them. The woman wants the man to come along with her, for she is not comfortable continuing the journey alone.
If others had desired to make the journey, then they would be here now, wouldn't they? She would be happy to help them if they had just shown up when the two of them did. But, time is short and we must save ourselves, she thought.
"We must go on together", she says and the man feels that he wants to keep her happy and feeling secure. He considers returning to the safety of the hill with the woman he so loves; but, something stops him. He knows that he must go back into the city.
At first, the lady had resisted his suggestion to separate. It was hard for both of them. They were all they had in a way. What else mattered? Who else cared? They could save their lives. Yet, they had to take the risk. They took courage again and recaptured their faith. They agreed that she would search the beginnings of the paths for those who would return from their dead ends to look for the right path and she would point the way to salvation. She knew that she had a role to fulfill and she knew that he did too. Each must fulfill their purposes here. She let him go; but, not without a kiss. "I know", she said, "sacrifices must be made". "I love you so much". "I love you too babe". On that note, they parted.
Many souls were saved that day because of the love and diligence of the two friends. They were able to free a number of people from the bondage they were in. Sadly, many would not accept the help which the man offered. They simply gave up and refused to help themselves. Some few did accept the help and climbed to safety. He helped all that he could.
The woman had even greater success as she directed others to the correct path. Surprisingly though, most of those she spoke to would not believe and they chose other paths which seemed easier or that held out a promise of a better solution for them.
The rumblings continued as she searched for lost souls. She is caught up in the moment and happy to be helping others to escape the danger. She was certain that her man was busily engaged in blessing lives too; although she did not realize that one cave-in had trapped him and another had taken his life.
The woman continued her work. There were few left to find now and yet, she would not leave until the man returned. Together, they would go to the place they had stowed their goods. Together, they would celebrate the victories over death and the saving of lost souls. Oh, how she loved him and he loved her. They had spent many a fine day together. Their lives had been filled with challenges and trials like many lives are; and yet, the peace and love and happiness made their lives so complete. As great as that is, there is nothing sweeter than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There can be nothing sweeter.
The ground shook more now and she knew that she should leave. She would not leave. She would stay until the man returned. Suddenly, the ground opened up and she felt herself falling...falling. In a moment, it was over.
Then, she felt a hand on hers. He was there; her man. He lifted her up as the Lord smiled down upon them. They had lost their lives in the service of their fellow man and in so doing, they had found their lives again. They were now united in a state of greater joy and happiness than they could otherwise have possibly enjoyed.
And so it is in this life that opportunity comes in strange and varied packages. Those who are prepared will win the day and step up to the challenges and assist others through them. Life is truly a blessing and is so enriched as we share our love and blessings with others. Love is meant to be shared after all and lives are there to be blessed. This is true opportunity and is the key to true success in life. For did not Jesus teach that the first two great commandments were to love God with all of our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves?
Had the two simply gone on to save their own lives, would they not have lost themselves? But, now, they sacrificed and took the risk and have found the greater joy in losing self lovingly helping others.
May this little story be a reminder to each of us to unselfishly love our neighbors whoever they are and where ever we happen to find them. God bless you.
Michael Dubeau is a Warrior for Success and Achievement in the lives of many. His direct approach with a genuine caring side assists others in conquering their Dreams and Achieving their Purposes in life. Read more at There you may leave your comments.
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