In a moment, find yourself allowing the following words to sink in for a moment...
"Love, true love, is that which can give the most without asking or demanding anything in return." Mazie Hammond
And as you allow these words to sink into your deepest states of your BEING see if you can begin to notice times in your past when you gave out of LOVE without asking or demanding anything in return.
What did it feel like when you gave out of LOVE without asking or demanding anything in return?
When you go back to that place or time what did it look like and in that moment and even in this moment now could you sense that you were giving out of LOVE or where you giving from some other place or space?
And as you continue to allow that feeling of giving out of LOVE to enter into your deepest state of BEING breath in and out of LOVE now and again.
While it may indeed be in your best interest to move more and more towards that place of giving out of LOVE in order to recognize the state of BEING LOVE it helps to be able to compare and notice the difference when you aren't giving out of Love.
That why, I invite you to recall a time from your past when you gave and demanded or asked for something in return. In fact recall a time when you gave and didn't receive what you were asking for or demanding.
What did that feel like?
What did that type of experience look like?
Even now, as you recall that moment in time can you begin to get a sense of the struggle, the discomfort surrounding that experience of giving and not getting what you were asking for or demanding in return.
Of course you can and that's why you can appreciate that moment for giving you the contrast and comparison you needed in order to recognize that giving or doing out of LOVE leaves a pleasant taste and feel that you can access at any time where doing to get LOVE leaves you in a state of frustration, dis-ease, and many other negative states.
And as you allow your mind to drift back into that experience of doing out of LOVE you might find yourself wondering what else you can do to experience the state of BEING LOVE more and more.
That's why you will be glad to know that the practice of Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that will drop you into the deepest states of your BEING which is where the state of BEING LOVE happens to reside. In other words, when you experience the practice of Yoga Nidra on a consistent basis you are actually creating a Pathway to BEING LOVE that you can access again and again in more and more empowering ways each time you dive in.
Thaddeus Ferguson has dedicated himself to the cause of helping people heal themselves first in order to help heal the world during this amazing time of transformation.
The practice of Meditation and/or Yoga Nidra is just one of the many powerful tools that you can use in order to help Heal You First.
Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!
Join Thaddeus aka Yogi Big Love in a state of Being LOVE at Now!
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